Part 2. Mademoiselle Hallthorpe.

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The next morning came, as I slowly opened my eyes, squinting from the glare that was created by the Caribbean sun, that was shining down through the glass frame doors. Well at least it's going to be a magnificent day for a wedding, I thought to myself. I smiled to myself, excited for my sister's happiness that was due to happen within a few hours from now, even though deep down, I was still wishing it twas mine and James's big day, had he not wished to go after that scoundrel Jack Sparrow. I turned over onto my left side, in hopes that Elizabeth would still be sleeping soundly in her bed. However, she was not, her duvet cover was pulled back from the sheet, which was all crumpled from where she had been laying and her pillow still had her indentation of where her head once lay upon it.

I stared at her bed for a few moments puzzled, as to why she had risen so early, when shouldn't a bride always be the last to awaken, since she is the one whom needs her beauty sleep. I rolled over onto my back and rubbed my eyes gently with the back of my hands, before letting out a huge yawn and stretching my arms towards the ceiling. I then proceeded to pull my own duvet from me, before I propped myself up into a sitting position and put my slippers on. I then made haste and generously wrapped my night gown around myself, to keep myself warm from the morning chill, that was still lingering about.

I then made my way from our bedroom and across the landing, down the stairs and into the dinning room, only to be greeted by none other than father, whom was sitting at the dinning table reading the morning newspaper, with a cup of tea in front of him. "Good Morning father". I said to him, as I walked up behind him and placed a kiss upon his cheek. I must have startled him, as he jumped slightly before closing the paper, turning to look in my direction, as I sat in the chair beside him. "Oh, good morning darling, did you sleep well?". He asked me. I was just about to reply, when I was interrupted by Slyvia, whom was coming over to the table, pouring me some tea. I nodded at her, as a way of saying thank you and then I turned my attention back towards father, whilst picking up my cup and sipping on it, trying my best not to burn my mouth. "Yes I did thank you father, did you?". I asked him, curious as to whether or not he slept in the parlour all night, or did he go to bed.

"Wha-at, oh yes I did indeed thank you Anne". He said sheepishly, as he clutched the paper with one hand and began rubbing the back of his neck with the other. I knew he would have been down here all night, but I had hoped, that he would have made it to bed within the early hours. I smirked at him and continued to sip my tea, gently placing it back down upon the saucer, letting it clink ever so slightly. "Father?". I said. "Hmm". Father replied, as he looked up from reading the paper. "Where is Elizabeth, she was not in her bed this morning when I awoke?". I asked. "Oh, she awoke early to help the maids set out the chairs for where the guests shall be sitting once they arrive". He said. "Oh, do you suppose she may need any help?". I asked once more. "Oh I am not sure about that darling, however she gave me strict instructions to keep you with me and to make sure that you were kept busy with other matters". He said. "What other matters could be in need of attending too?". I replied. "Matters such as dear Anne, picking out your maid of honor dress, as Elizabeth has informed me, that she has yet to make arrangements with you to get one, giving as such the timing of when she told you and all".

I squealed with excitement, as I quickly guzzled down my tea, before myself and Father exited the room. I quickly ran upstairs and put on the easiest dress, that was accessible and quick to put on, I didn't much care about my hair, as I had just left it within it's messy plait that tumbled down my back. Once I was dressed, I made my way out of the house with father, as we both got into the carriage, that was waiting to escort us into town to the dressmakers. Once we arrived, we both stepped out of the carriage, Father kindly opened the door for me to enter the dress makers first, before he followed closely behind. The bell upon the door rung slightly, giving a little tinkling sound, as father opened and closed it behind him. I stood there with my hands clasped infront of me, as I had a smile from ear to ear whilst gazing upon the most extravagant gowns I had ever seen, that were all neatly hung up upon the railings around the shop.

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