Part 13. Curiosity.

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Whilst I left Elizabeth to sulk upon the stairs, I went to help Thomas with his chores. Which was to take the barrels of rum down into the cargo hold, each of us rolling one barrel along the deck at a time and then two men down below hauled the barrel down into the hold and rolled it into position. I have to say it twas heavy and sweaty work, I suppose it did not help what with the glistening hot sun, still high above in the sky, the sweat was pouring down my back, from having to walk backwards and forwards and rolling the heavy barrels down to near the hold.

At one point, I felt as though I may pass out from heat exhaustion, so I stopped to take a breath resting myself up against the starboard side and thankfully one of the crew came with a silver tankard filled with crystal, clear, cool water. I happily took it from him and guzzled down the contents without stopping to take a breath, finally gasping for air, as I had finished. I wiped my mouth on my sleeve and I was just about to take off off sweaty, itchy tricorn hat, when I caught the attention of James, who was still on his hands and knees swabbing the deck. "Thirsty work isn't it?". He called over to me. As I was not listening properly, from being in my own thoughts, of how hot and sweaty I was, I missed heard him. Thomas by this point was down below, helping the men lift the cargo into the holds, so I assume he was talking to me.

"Hmm, oh yes, yes it tis, indeed". I said gruffly and out of breath, whilst bending down and placing my hands upon my knees trying to breathe more easily. Trying not to show my face, even though at this point my complexion would be nothing to gaze upon, for I knew my face would be red and blotchy from the hot sun scorching it and not too mention the sweat dripping down each side of it. James chuckled and then continued to work, scrubbing away at the wood upon the deck. "Aren't you flustered at all?". I asked him, a little taken back by talking so much to him, incase it revealed whom I truly was. "Only a little, for sailing the seas all these years has made me have some sort of immunity to it, so it may seem.

"Oh yes I heard about your quest to find mighty old Jack over there". I said, whilst pointing over to Jack whom was up at the helm, looking out to sea with his telescope. "Yes and it twas a quest which failed me greatly". James sighed, as he stopped scrubbing for a moment and looked to the floor. "How so?". I asked again, for goodness sake Anne, enough with all the questions, I thought to myself. "Well my dear Anthony, look at me, I'm here upon a pirate ship, swabbing the deck, when I once was a commanding naval officer, who was in charge of a whole ship and I was the one whom gave orders, to people like him, not him giving them to me!". James bellowed the last sentence, as he roughly pointed up towards Jack, as he leant back upon his knees and then fell forward on all fours again.

"But you mustn't have failed completely, I mean your still alive for one thing". I replied. "So it may seem that way, but that twas not my doing, no my doing was being a stupid fool into leaving my Fiancé behind and into thinking I could go and chase and capture an idiotic man called Jack Sparrow, when all the while I was not concentrating on what matter most and that was to be at home and marrying the woman I love dearly, no that was entirely her doing for me being here today". James said. "How so, for she was at home was she not?". I replied. "Oh yes she was and I hope to still be at home, safe and hopefully awaiting my return and that she hasn't moved on to some other man, no it twas just the thought of her that kept me alive, the thought of coming home to her and spending the rest of my life with her, gave me the strength to continue". James continued.

"She sounds like a tremendous woman". I said. "Indeed". He replied. "I would show you a picture of her magnificent beauty, but sadly I don't have one on my person". He continued, as he placed his hands upon his coat pockets. "Oh you don't have to show me a picture James, you could describe her for me if you like, then I can imagine her, not in anway unruly or raunchy, if I may say, but some people say I have a way with my imagination it would seem, I used to be the best story teller upon my vessel, I shall have you know". I told him, seriously Anne, how you are making these lies up as you go along, is beyond me, I thought to myself. I then walked over my head pointed down towards the floor so he should not see my face and stood next to James, as he was still upon the floor, I leant back and rested my arms upon the port side.

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