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A: Why are you here Mr. Kapoor?

S: Actually one person  of my staff met an accident so I got him here.

A: Oh

S: * gesturing Karan * Btw who is he?

K: Oh! My name is Karan Sharma and I'm the head of Cardiology department.

S: Hello Dr. Karan! What's your relationship with Aashna?

A: * irritated * What sort of question is this Mr. Kapoor? How can you ask something like this to him?

S: Why not Dr. Aashna? I guess you guys know each other very well, right Dr. Karan?

K: Aashna it's alright,I don't mind answering this question. Aashna and I are best buddies from high school days.

S: Oh I see! Okay then Dr. Aashna I just came to say hello and nice to meet you Mr. Karan and one thing more DON'T GET TOO CLOSE WITH AASHNA.

(Saying this Sanket stood up and went outside.)

K: What does he mean? Aashna why did he ask me to not get too close? And How do you know him?

A: It's a long story Karan. Right now go back to your new cabin and I too have to go for the round. Take care.

(Aashna too left the cabin feeling embarrassed.)

(More days went by normally and Aashna and Karan became best buddies again. They started chilling together and would keep laughing when together.)

* Few days later *

(Coming out of the OT all tired Aashna went to the cafeteria to get some coffee. There she saw that everyone was just staring one person who was sitting in the cafeteria drinking his coffee. Aashna recognised him and then he too saw Aashna coming his way. )

M: I thought Dr. Aashna we're very good friends but you hurt me!

A: Manav? What are you doing here? Are you alright?

(Aashna then noticed some bodyguards standing behind him having a lot of boxes and balloons in their hands.)

A: Oh any good news or what?

M: Oh actually Aashna I'm the sponsor of child ward. I was not aware that you're still on duty.

A: Yes, it was an emergency case but now I'm free.

M: That's great then! Come along with me.

A: Sure, I would love to.

( When they went to the child ward, children came running towards Manav and they seemed very happy to meet him. Aashna was surprised seeing this side of him. They then played with those children and gave them their gifts. )

( Aashna was blushing looking at Manav without a reason and her cheeks turned red making her look like a tomato.)

M: Aashna your cheeks!

A: What happened?

M: Why are they so red suddenly?

(Listening to this Aashna tried hiding her face and focused on the kids completely ignoring Manav.)

A: Btw impressive work Manav. You handle kids very well. Btw any girl can fall in love with you seeing you like this.

M: It's nothing like that Aashna. My luck is not that good.

A: That means you already have someone special in life?

M: Yeah I have someone special and I don't have someone special at the same time. It's complicated. I proposed her several times but she rejected me.

A: WHAT? Someone this handsome,kind, loving and cute got rejected by someone? It's a huge insult then .

M: Told you I don't have a good luck. But one thing is sure that if someone else wouldn't rule my heart then I would have definitely tried on you.

(Listening to this Aashna again started blushing.)

M: But you are already with Sanket so I cannot even think about it.

A: * sarcasticly * So what do you want to say? Should I breakup with him?

(Both of them then started laughing. They then spent some more time with the kids and then left from there.)

(Aashna reached to the penthouse very late at night all exhausted. When she entered the penthouse she saw Sanket in a very bad condition.)


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