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(She saw Sanket in a very badcondition. Empty bottles of beer were lying everywhere in the living room and Sanket was lying on the floor as if something happened to him.)

S: Y-you g-irl get mo-re d-rinks for me

A: Sanket you're drunk again!

(Aashna went near him and tried to get him back to his senses.)

S: Why is doing all this?

A: Who Sanket? What happened?

S: Why is she behaving this way? What wrong did I do that she doesn't love me?

A: Sanket?

S: You only tell me, am I not good looking?

A: * in her mind * No! You look like a monkey 😑

S: I'm good looking, I am a good actor and I love her but she is not ready to listen to me! Why is she doing all this!?? She left me again just like how she left me 2, years ago.

(Listening to this Aashna got emotional and she tried to calm him down.)

A: Sanket everything will be alright, trust me.  Now stop drinking or else you will have an extremely bad headache tomorrow.

(She took the bottle from his hand and cleared the living room. After that she tried to wake him up and tried taking him to his room.)

A: Sanket you're so heavy yr! I swear next time I will let you sleep on the floor.

S: Aashna

A: yes?

S: I'm sorry if I ever hurt you but please don't leave me .

A: Sanket I won't

S: Promise?

A: I promise.

(She then took him to his room and made him sleep.)

S: Aashna do you know you're very cute!

A: Sanket you're drink right now, you shouldn't talk and you should sleep.

S: but-

A: Sleep!

(Sanket then slept, Aashna then went to her room thinking about what Sanket said. She tried to calm herself down but couldn't. She then took a shower and went to sleep.)


(Sanket woke up and realised that he was sleeping in his bed. He then got confused that how is he in his room? He couldn't remember anything and his head was aching badly. )

S: Ahhh- this hangover!

[ Chef = C ]

C: Sir Aashna ma'am left for the hospital early so she made breakfast for you and left it on the dining table.

S: Ok!

S: * in his mind * Aashna left early? But I guess came late too! Is she super human or what? Where does she get so much energy from!

( He then sat on the chair and saw a note near the plate. He opened it.)

Note :
This is hangover soup for you. Have it and then eat the medicine kept on the table and take rest and your headache will be fine. Take care.

S: * in his thoughts * She knew I was drunk? She does care for me! And the living room is also clean, should I thank her?

(He then picked up his phone and thought of messaging Aashna. )

* At the hospital *

K: Good morning beautiful!

A: Karan! Good Morning.

K: Aashna listen na-

A: Hmm? What happened?

K: I want a promise from you!

A: What kind if promise Karan?

K: Actually I want you to come with me for dinner tonight.

A: Karan I can't promise. What if there are a lot of patients today? And what if you get busy in some emergency?

K: I'm free today!

A: We will get to know it in the evening only. If I'll get free then I'll message you.Ok happy now?

K: Ok!

A: Btw Karan where do you want to go for dinner?

K: Aashna I have already done the reservations in  a hotel. You just have to come with me.

A: I'll try my best to get free.

K: * nervously * Actually Aashna I wanted to talk about something serious that's why I want you to come with me for dinner.


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