Chapter 29

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Gwen walked to the drinks table and picked up another one of that colorful drink. Without thinking, she emptied that glass too. She picked up a third glass, craving for more and more. She felt light headed as she felt the liquid sliding down her throat.

“Gwen, what the hell do you think you're doing?” Tristan demanded.

She picked up a fourth glass.


“Gosh, Gwen. This is not what I meant.”

“Enlighten me.”

He snatched the glass from her hand and put it back on the table.

“You are over dosing. This is way too much for you... Especially if this is your first time.”

“Oh please, Tristan. What are you, my daddy?”

“Gwen. Let's go home.”

“No. I wanna find him.”


Gwen smirked and poked his chest.

“Why should I tell you?”

“Gwen, for God's sake -”

“Shut up. Just shut up. Let me live my life the way I want to.”

“Yeah? The way you want to? If I hadn't saved you on the cliff that day you would be...”

“What? I would be what? Dead? I. Am. Not. Afraid. Of. Death. You, of all people, should know that.”

“Gwen. Let's go.”

“Shove off, I ain't going anywhere.”

Saying that, Gwen stalked off to the middle of the dance floor and began looking for Brent. She saw him standing in a corner, a smug look on his face. He raised his glass to her as if making a toast and winked. And Gwen felt her chest swell with rage. She walked up to him and punched his drink from his hand making it fall to the ground.

“Who are you?!” she hissed.

He smiled. Oh, he had the audacity?

“You don't remember me, your big old broth -” there was something different about his voice.

“Stop it. Tell me who you really are.”

He leaned in and tucked her hair behind her ear before whispering, “Brent.”

She shuddered and whether that was from his close proximity or the way he said ‘Brent’ she didn't know. She gazed into his gray eyes and tears pooled in her own. Behind the mask of gray, she felt something stir. Pity? Was he pitying her?

“No. No, you're not,” she whispered.

“Who am I then, Gwen? You tell me.”

“You're not Brent. You can't be.”

“You've changed... You're more challenging and strong... And believe me, it has nothing to do with the alcohol.”

She felt really scared. She may be drunk but these feelings of terror were real. She was an inch away from breaking down. She looked away from the gray.

“Who are you? Tell me or I'll...”

He smirked. This was the time to bring it up.

“Kill me?”

Gwen gasped and goosebumps covered her skin. A tear leaked from her eye and he wiped it away, his touch cold and terrifying.

“Why can't I be Brent? Tell me, Gwen. Why. Can't. I. Be. Brent?”

She trembled, as three words escaped from her lips, “I killed him.”

He observed her carefully.

“Very good. But if Brent is dead, who am I?”

“You're someone else. H - his twin or someone.”

“Yeah? Think what you want to. But I am Brent... And I will take revenge. You will pay, Gwen Stanley. You will pay.”

“Prove it then! Prove that you are the real Brent.”

“Why do I need to do that, lil Jo?”

Gwen gasped as he said those words. It was him. It was the real Brent. Brent turned on the spot and the next moment he was gone.

Gwen slid to the floor and sobbed. At that moment she wanted nothing more than to die. Why was all this happening?


Tristan looked at the spectacle from a little distance as his curious eyes darted from the boy to Gwen. Who are you, Gwen Stanley and what have you done?

As the boy leaned closer to her, Tristan felt every muscle in his body go tense.

What the hell?  This was probably the alcohol acting, right?

He knew Gwen was scared; he could see her shuddering from where he was. Was he supposed to go to her aid? Nah, she would think he was interfering.

What were they talking about?

Curiosity killed the cat, remember?

He saw the boy leave and Gwen slid to the floor. Was she crying? He had to go, now.


Gwen's ears reverberated with her sobs as she thought of the events that had unfolded earlier. She felt someone sit beside her and heard a familiar voice say, “Why would a pretty girl like yourself be crying on this hour of the day?” His voice was gentle and soothing, the one you have when you talk to a small child.

Gwen raised her head to find Tristan looking at her with a soft smile on his face.

“Hey,” he whispered pulling her into his arms.

“Tristan, I -”

“Shh... It's okay.”

She moved to his lap and cried in his chest. She cried her heart out, unleashing all of her bottled up emotions. His scent soothed her senses and she felt safe... Really safe.

It broke Tristan to see her so vulnerable, so upset. She was always that strong girl, who kept a smile plastered to her face. This girl was different. This girl was the true Gwen, the Gwen one would see behind all of her walls and fake smiles.

He rubbed circles on her back, trying to soothe her. “It's okay. Shh...”

Gwen closed her eyes, breathing in his scent. His hand at her back felt electrifying, but it put her at ease as he whispered gentle words. She looked in his gray eyes and she realized she wasn't scared of them anymore. They may be the same shade that Brent's eyes were but she could see the difference now. Brent's gaze was killing, it meant trouble. Tristan's eyes were softer and even though his gaze was scrutinizing, it was comforting. Tristan's gray were unpredictable. One moment they were calm and serene while the other, a storm was brewing beneath them. They were different from Brent's and they didn't intimidate her anymore.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, I guess I just cracked under the pressure,” she looked away.

He took her chin in his hand, forcing her to look at him.

“It's okay. You're going to be okay. I won't ask you what happened between you and whoever that person was, but I guess I'm smart enough to figure out that it scared you. And I want you to know that I'll keep you safe. I promise.”

She gave him the sweetest smile she could muster and ruffled his hair.

“I know.”

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