Chapter 14

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to EzzaNaveed and hafsa_xx because they are amazing. Thank you for supporting me through this story, both of you. Xx.

Gwen didn't know what to think, anymore. This was all wrong. She looked at Stephen with accusatory eyes.

"Why would you do this?" she repeated.

"I - I should've told you earlier. I'm sorry."

"Told me what earlier?! That you were spying on me? All this time, I thought you were my friend and you were taking pictures of me from God knows where, while I was doing God knows what!" Tears of disbelief threatened to escape from her eyes but she held them in. She felt really angry and right now, she wanted to smash Stephen's head in a table. She looked back at the pictures in her hand, not wanting to look at Stephen anymore. There were dozens of her pictures, laughing, talking to her friends but most of them were of her room. And there were black crosses on every one of them. What was going on?

"How did you manage to get pictures of me in my room?"

"I didn't take them. And there were hidden cameras in your room and in our school as well."

"Who had them installed Stephen, tell me."

"Our parents."

"Our? Excuse me?"

"We're siblings Gwen."

"You probably don't know the seriousness of this situation, Stephen, but I do. Who the hell installed these cameras in my room?"

"Our parents, Gwen."

"Stephen we're not siblings, okay? I have just one brother and that's Brent."

"I don't know who the hell Brent is, but I do know that you're my half-sister."


"We have the same mother and different fathers."

"Stephen, what the hell? You take pictures of me secretly, you were spying on me and now you're saying that was our parents' doing? You're stupid. You betrayed me and I trusted you. I was really mad to do so." Gwen was screaming on the top of her lungs while Daisy stood in the doorway with a miniature tea tray in hand, listening in to the conversation. Gwen threw her photos at Stephen's face and stormed out of the room pushing Daisy in the process. She ran out of the house, and through Stephen's window, she could hear him scream, "What the hell did you open my drawer for, anyway?!"

Gwen ran and ran as fast as she could till she got to the same woods near her house. She threw herself on the forest floor and cried. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she sobbed till her throat went hoarse and her tears ran dry. Why was this happening to her? Why? Was she a sinner to deserve this? Why didn't Superman let her die that day? That would've been loads better.

She was a mistake, surely. Where were her parents? Were they even alive? Why did they leave her alone? Why did Stephen have her pictures? Was she supposed to believe his story? No, no, certainly not. He was lying and that story was his lame cover for his original, dirty deed. Her parents should've smothered her when she was born. Or Brent should've strangled her when he had the chance. But they let her live. Why let such a shame live?

Gwen went home, a mess. Brent was slightly shocked to see her. "Lil Jo? Are you okay?"

"No, Brent. I need the truth from you, now. Where are our parents? What do they do? Tell me Brent! I'm tired of staying in oblivion!"

"I don't know Gwen! I don't know!"

"Keep telling yourself that! You know everything. You - You know it all."

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