xi. a nice walk in the park

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We kept our distance and decided to run ahead of them. All four of us were soon walking in the dark again, with our chance of escaping from this hellhole diminishing by the second.

Soon, I had come across another internal memorandum. It mentioned the conversion of a certain "Area 7c" into some sort of chapel.

"What's that?" Conrad asked from afar.

I answered, "They made a chapel."

"What's with the makeshift chapel?" Brad asked.

"Oh God, why do we need to know this now?" Julia whined.

"I don't know. I just picked it up." I said then put the paper down.

A noise was then heard from outside.

"What was that? You heard that?" Julia asked, visibly worried.

"Maybe we hit an iceberg." Of course, Conrad still had some jokes. Very fitting indeed.

"Not funny."

"I'm telling you, we hit an iceberg. We're going down."

I sighed. "One theory at a time, Conrad. We can only absorb so much."

Another donkey's years of walks in creepy hallways, until Julia had spoken.

"Wait a minute, we've been here before."

"Uhh... I don't think so." Alex said with a shrug. But Julia was determined we already have.

Funny, I don't remember this place at all. Maybe it's because it's too dark to see anything. It's like our torches are doing nothing at all.

Later on, Alex had found a knife. But then again, Julia was worried about this. "We shouldn't be screwing around right now."

Conrad, on the other hand, still had time to make crappy jokes. "Hey, nice blade. Could make a nice 'severance' package for my assailants, if you catch my drift."

"I don't think we do." I rolled my eyes, making the man-child giggle.

"I guess you never know. We might have to use it," said Alex and then stuffed the knife in his back pocket.

"Yeah, it's better to be armed, Jules. Don't worry about it." I tried to reassure her, but nothing worked.

"Alex, you don't want to end up hurting the wrong person with that. You should put it down."

"It's fine, babe. Those goons have guns, it seems only right to have something to defend ourselves with."

Julia sighed, "Just be careful with that."

Alex smiled warmly at his fiancée. "I'm always careful."

And just like that, we were walking again. It feels like we've been walking for days now, my feet are getting sore. And honestly, I'm kind of getting tired of all of Julia's whining. Whenever we arrive at a new place, she keeps saying that we've already been there before. Ugh.

Just as I was reading a diary of one of the soldiers, stating that this ship is curse, the others have been hearing voices as well. So it wasn't just me, then. Something is messing up with all of our minds. Even the soldiers knew it.

I'm not sure why the Curator had put me here of all places. This place is a fucking shit show and we're all losing our fucking marbles. I really wanna get out of this damned horrible place.

Continuing with our walk, I found another picture and saw another premonition. It showed Brad getting stabbed by someone who looked unfamiliar. As the premonition came to an end, I gasped and stepped a few steps back then they all came to me in a hurry.

When the Lights Go Out: MAN OF MEDAN [The Dark Pictures Anthology]Where stories live. Discover now