v. repercussions

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"Present?" I perked my eyebrow up.

It was a little bit weird to envision the Curator thinking about giving me a gift. Hm... I didn't know the Curator had some human-y thoughts, since he doesn't seem human - he sure looks like one, but something tells me he's not mortal at all.

"It is your birthday today, is it not?" The Curator questioned.

"Well yeah, but I'd never have viewed you as the gift giving type." I told him but he just smiled. Eerily, I should add. What is with this man and creepy smiles? Jeez.

"It's impressive that you haven't said anything to these new friends of yours to reveal your true self." He said, thoroughly changing the subject at hand.

"I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult because I have certainly said a thing or two about it, which they haven't caught up on, gladly." I grinned with a hint of shame. I'm still not sure what the effects will be if I did tell them who I actually was and the identity of my brother, Ed, who somehow looks like Conrad.

If I did tell them, I'd tell quite a story - and not a very believable one.

"You're getting to know these intrepid adventurers then."

I shrugged. "More or less."

He continued, "Alex and his little brother Brad, trying to swim with the big fish. Both seem... out of their depth." The Curator then shifts in his seat. "And Julia... the love of Alex's life... and he the love of hers. She seems pretty close with your character, doesn't she?"

"Character. Yeah, that's one way to put it." I cackled a little bit, crossing my legs and leaning on the soft, green couch.

"What about Conrad? A bold fellow, you might say. Or maybe you'd say arroga-"

"Arrogant. He's definitely a pain in the ass and so not like Ed." I quickly muttered over him and then chuckled to myself as I remembered how much of an idiot Conrad was. That weasel.

I looked at the Curator who was raising one of his eyebrows up, quite taken aback with what I just said. I'm not sure whether it was because I spoke out of turn or maybe because he wouldn't think I'd speak of Conrad this way. It was of no matter however because it was fun to watch him be this perplexed.

I then decided to take the pleasure of answering his unspoken question. "He seems to be obsessed about women and flirting to care about anything else."

He shifted back to his normal self. "I see. But of course, he could never refuse the charm of Captain Fliss - strong, forthright... stubborn." He then leaned in, suggesting a thought. "Do I detect a spark between her and Conrad?

"Oh definitely!" I cried out. "They're like Sherlock and John, except Conrad's an idiot."

He gave me a befuddled look, "They aren't lovers, Elaine." He said, as if trying to talk some sense into me.

"Not in the original, no. But I'm a big fan of the show and Johnlock is literally everywhere in the series."

"You don't say!" The Curator exclaimed, dissimulating his amazement. I am so gonna punch this pretentious bastard.

"Moving on," he added, "What is your input in all these new friends of yours?"

"They're good people. It was fun meeting them, though Fliss can be really intimidating if she wanted."

"Let me reassure you. You helped them to make some decisions they'll value later on..."

"That's very reassuring." I said, making a face.

"Ha ha ha, you don't have to worry about anything, Elaine." He laughed. "You're doing well."

"Remind me why I'm doing this again." I sighed, massaging my temples. I'm really not sure why I'm letting him put me through this very weird situation, but then again if he didn't, I would never have seen Ed again.

When the Lights Go Out: MAN OF MEDAN [The Dark Pictures Anthology]Where stories live. Discover now