[Chapter 3: Voyourist]

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"I know you watched me from up here."

He had his hands occupied with straightening his already perfect black hoodie. She was speechless.

"I thought you'd stop watching when I paced around shirtless, but that didn't do the trick." He laughed nervously, scratching the nape of his neck. He had a cute laugh and was slightly blushing.

"I... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to watch. It was a good view though..." Ally talked fast and laughed nervously too, looking anywhere but him.

He laughed even more.

"Oh, we have a voyourist in the building." He was talking english suddenly. He had an accent she couldn't quite place.

But, she understood.

"I am not a perv... I think... I was just... Bored. You're nice to look at anyway."

Nice to look at and easy to get flustered. That's who Bangchan was. He was blushing furiously now.

Their friendly banter went on for a few minutes, until he just had to go to sleep. It was almost four in the morning.

One of her secrets was out. She just had to keep quiet about the other one.


They found eachother on the same roof a month later. He had been busy, and so did she.

"Good night Ally. Still not sleeping?" He sat on his spot on her side. He had a towel and was quickly drying his now blonde hair. He had just came from a shower, as he had practice late for an upcoming presentation.

She was folded, hiding her head between her arms over her knees. She raised her head to look at him.

"Yeah." She dried her tears.

"Wanna talk? I'm a good listener."

"I'm not even sure what they want from me. I know I came here recently and I have to give all I have, but I just had terrible dance classes. There are some things I just can't."

"If they ask you more, it's maybe because they know you can do it."

"No. That's not it. I mean: sometimes they speak too fast to me. And I'm getting to understand more of the things they say at me. But I feel so looked down upon.

I thought I came from a sexist society, but here it's a whole different matter."

She looks at her new friend briefly and turns towards the stars. Chan could see she had been crying for a long time and maybe she was about to spill some more tears.

"Well, you are from abroad. And you are a dude."

"Wow. Thanks, Ron Weasley."

She laughs and hits him playfully.

"Hey, I'm serious. Sigh. I mean... I'm supposed to starve, to be some kind of thin, perfect beauty, makeup on, high heels on all the while dancing and singing... and they don't even approve my boobs. I'm used to show cleavage. What am I supposed to do with them? Squeeze them flat?"

She was fuming and at the last part, she held her chest to emphasize the point.

He looked away and choked on his own saliva. He did not expected the topic to stray to her body that way. He was laughing and looking away covering his face with his forearm.

"Hahahaha, I'm sorry Chan. I think I got too comfortable with you. I'm just mad, I'm not usually like this. I try to fit in the ways this conservative country has."

"I don't mind, but I'd like a warning next time... So I can look away before you do that."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's just I got mad. It made me want to make everything opposite to what they tell me to do."

Finally they were looking at eachother again.

"I think you'd get pretty well with my team... They are not too keen on following rules either."

"Oh... That I heard! Quite savage Chan!" Ally laughed. "Did you get punished for the things you say online? I heard you showed a pretty big part of an unreleased track... "

"Haha not yet. But I can feel the axe hanging over my neck. Were you watching my lives?"

"Maybe... I can be a bit of a stalker to my friends. And at the moment I only have one in this country." She whispered the last part. But he heard. How could he not? That was the quietest night ever.

Suddenly his face changed. "I have an idea that can help you out, and maybe make a few extra friends."

Her face contorted. "I know I want to work in show business, but I'm not like you. I'm not a people person. I just want to make my music and go to sleep."

"Don't worry, I'll pave the way. You are more alike that you imagine."

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