[Chapter 5: Fall]

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Just what she needed. Her crush (the one whose arms she had cried on, had called her sis) was trying to set her up with somebody else. What was it, a webtoon?

And he wasn't just anyone. He was good.

Her mind was too distracted and she could tell that he was getting angrier by the second.

She slipped and she fell to the side.

His elbow going upwards, as it was supposed to, hit her nose. Barely. He was pure muscle.

Instant bleed.

Ally panicked and covered with her arm as fast as possible. Her white long sleeve sweatshirt fast turned red.

In the blink of an eye, it was white again.

She could only hope her dance partner hadn't seen.

But he could see. He could see everything. He was monitoring her every movement. The mirrors on the walls showed him. He had chosen that room.

"Wha...? Bangchaaaan-hyuuuuung!"

Oh my... He had such a strong voice when he wanted to. She had been warned that he was a hard-working person but loud, really loud. Despair filled her. Why did she choose those clothes? She usually wore black...
She started crying thinking of all possible scenarios ahead. She'd loose all her rights. She'd get examined by doctors and scientists, treated like the freak she was. She'd be sent to some secret facility. Maybe she'd never get to see her family again.

Maybe that was for the best. Who was she fooling? How could she became an idol? She was disgusting and weird...

His laughter interrupted her thoughts. He looked like a maniac. A maniac that passed his hand through his hair like in a commercial. What was in this man's mind? She tried to get away, run from the whole situation... but he was faster and stronger. He held her arm. The one that common sense said, should be stained red.

She cried even harder. Anguish of the what could be filled her chest. Someone heard. The first to come in wasn't Bangchan.

And he wasn't happy.

The muscular man she had seen only for a moment charged into Lee Know. Without the need of context, he was up to fight him. Ally couldn't get to understand whatever he was saying to the dancer, he was too fast, too low and growling. He hit his chest and Lee Know laughed harder, trying to say something back and failing.

Just then, Ally realised that Changbin hadn't entered alone. At some point Seungmin had separated her from Minho and was screaming at him. Jeongin with his soft pink hair was holding her arms, cleaning her tearstained cheeks with his sleeves and whispering that everything will be alright. He was a few years younger than her and looked like he might cry too in any given moment.

"He said we take care of her! And what do you do? Make her cry! Amazing, hyung..."

"And look at her! She's into pieces!" Changbin kept on pushing him "What did you say Lee Know? Why did you offer to help, if you're making her cry?"

Between sobs Ally rised her head and saw her friend finally entering the practice room.

"Ah, Chan. Finally..." Minho suddenly stopped laughing and seriously spoke straight to his leader, like nobody else was in the room. "We need to talk about this girl. You didn't tell me she is like us."

Chan looked at Allyson. The only sound in the room came from her hushed sobs. Almost the full team was in the room now. Some had entered after their leader sensing the commotion.

Everyone's eyes were on him, expecting what he would say. Han and Hyunjin surprised faces were almost comical.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Minho. She's a trainee trying to debut, just like we were a few years back."

Some relieved sighs could be heard.

The dancer rised an eyebrow and walked past the group. He closed the door, locking it, and turned around slowly.

"She slipped and I hit her nose. NOT on purpose! And look!" Minho pointed at her, as he came closer.

Ally's cries stopped for a moment. Her eyes were wide open. I.N. made back a step to watch her as his hyung instructed, still holding her arms. He cleaned her tears again as they kept falling.

She looked so lost.

"How can you hit a girl, hyuuung? You have the best reflexes I've seen and you say it was an accident?" Changbin started screaming again.

"It was accidental. I didn't mean to. She hit me! Her nose came to my elbow... I was just where I was supposed to be... But that's not the thing. Look. At. Her."

Bangchan took a deep breath and got near to Allyson. The rest of the group made room for their leader. I.N. let her go.

"Don't worry Ally. He didn't mean to hurt you. He wouldn't. You can practice with Hyunjin or Felix, if Lee Know keeps on blabbing nonsense."

Lee Know was loosing his patience. It wasn't the first time they wouldn't just listen. He was pulling his hair out.

"She was bleeding, Chan. A lot. All over her white sweatshirt" He said clenching his teeth.

All eyes turned to her again. She just wanted to disappear right now and there.

"Her sleeve was all stained and then it was gone. And, she wasn't even surprised. It's not the first time. We need to act quickly. Felix, can you get the cameras?" He added.

She was lost.

They were definitely going to turn her in.


Tea spilled I guess.
Or blood, actually.

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