[Chapter 20: Serendipity]

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It took seconds to comments guess who was at the phone. Accent was unmistakable.

Bangchan congratulated them on their broadcast and was just talking for a moment, telling he'd been working on a collaboration and a cover with Blue.

Viewers started asking who was Blue and some others answered it was obviously Allyson.

Suddenly the call was cut short and there was a knocking on the door. Twice's Jihyo, Itzy's Ryujin, Bangchan and I.N. entered the room making a lot of noise. Right after, Felix and Sana barged in smiling widely and carrying a cake.

If viewers hadn't gone wild before, now it was the time.


"Too much to drink last night?"

She got out of her thoughts and looked up from her keyboard. Poor thing was being used as a table, filled with notebooks, paper and a pencil case. Jisung was leaning on the doorframe, smirk plastered on his squirrel face.

"I don't drink alcohol!"

"I never said you did... maybe it was too much coffee." He sat by her on a spare chair. "Chan said you have some lyrics for me."

"Yes. I think I need some help with the bridge..." She looked in the notebook for the page with the lyrics. "...on this one and..." She started sorting the papers that were all over her keyboard until she found it.

"And that needs a proper rap section."

He was full on producer mode and started mumbling reading. She put the extra things on a table that was empty on the other side of the small room. She closed the door to keep the music in.

"Do you want to listen the melody I made for those? It's quite basic."

He lifted his head and his hair hopped. Too cute.


She played the melody singing along, "I don't know what to say here", kept playing and sang again, "I have no idea Jisuuuung."

He laughed and by the time the bridge came the third time, he sang instead.

"Maybe I could hold your hand
Maybe I can tell you that you can
Maybe I need no words for you
I hope you know there's still time... For us."

She finished the song and looked at Han.

"That was beautiful! Gosh, I'll keep you in my bedside table." She took the notebook and scribbled in blue the lyrics he made on the spot. On a corner she wrote his name with the same colour.



The room had no windows and they hadn't realized how much time has passed when someone knocked on the door.

Both jumped at the noise and laughed.

She got up to open and found herself looking at the muse for the songs she'd been writing and at the same time, the source of her distress.

Behind him, the other third of 3racha smiled.

"Was it productive, Han?"

Said man put a hand on her shoulders looking at the other two. He smiled.

"Yeah, she's got some good stuff in that mess of papers. I just helped make it sparklier."

"You're one to talk..." Chan mumbled.

"Though I think I'll be stealing one of those... What do you say, Blue? Should we make "The Light" a SKZ - Record, maybe a collab?"

"Shouldn't we have let them listen to that, before we decide?" She pointed to the rest of 3racha with her hand, making signs for them to enter the room.

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