[Chapter 15: Unexpected Guest]

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Allyson's package had arrived, and Lee Know's apologies were terrible. He didn't deny anything anyways.

She had tried to not give him any sweets as a punishment, but his apologetic smiling face convinced her. Damn these men. She only got to save a small box for her own group.

She kept hearing the dancer laughing and felt eyes on her back all the time. She didn't let go Changbin's hand the whole time, he was calming. Everything else made her uncomfortable.

At the bottom, the box included a letter from her parents. They would be visiting soon, to be there for her debut. Probably the boys wouldn't be back from tour to meet them, but she was excited.

She reached out through a very expensive phone call, and talked to them explaining mostly what was considered rude or awkward in korean culture. They were to greet people bowing or with a handshake. No kissing or hugging. They weren't particularly affectionate compared to their peers, but that kind of prohibition could make them want to do it even more. It surely did to her. Allyson wondered if that was a trait inherited from her mother or her father.

She was glad she'd get to see them. That kind of travels were expensive and that meant they would be spending various years of savings to be able to even thought of doing it. If she ever made it, she'll make sure to pay them back.

Distance had made things clearer. All the bad blood she had... didn't really matter anymore. That dorm building was full of kids that missed their families, all with unique stories and huge dreams. Many weren't even kids any more.

Maybe her parents would have listened if she had spoken clear enough, and maybe she wouldn't have gone to that extent. To try to end her life. Maybe she just needed a friend. A reason. A mountain to climb.


The Kids went on tour and she stayed, recording covers, (that were to be reviewed before posting) writing and writing for the band that had yet to have a name. She called them "The Jeons" in honour of their twin leaders, but it didn't stick. She was trying to convince everyone to love the name "Rosenrot" or "Snow Red". That was also unsuccessful for the moment. The idea of being linked to Rammstein's MV or that Japanese movie seemed too violent for the producers. Also, they didn't want a name that was too similar to others or something fans couldn't pronounce.

Producers were getting nervous.

Allyson was more nervous than them, if that was even possible. The Kids had a tight schedule abroad and she could barely talk to them. She had gotten quite close to Haruhi and the band, but it wasn't the same.

The best part was that all those feelings helped her write pretty good music. Her songs talked about relatable feelings. She had a song about missing someone, one about loneliness and one about unrequited love. If she ever spent some time thinking about those feelings instead of converting them to music, she might have realized something about herself.

Everything they wrote was to be scanned and checked throughout by producers. Some made the cut and some were stored for later.

Once they got a name, they'd have a 5 song album. Everything with their instrumental version to make a total of ten tracks. It was a lot of work. They spent time together, started to know eachother a bit more. They were so much more that musicians and were trying to form a bond.

Some were more respectful than others.

"So, how did you get to know Bangchan?" Yes, redhead bass player was nosy. But he was also a extroverted social butterfly and terribly talented. His English name was Kevin and she had taken to use that only. "I meant, weren't we supposed to wait until our debut to be friends with other idols?"

"I met him here, Kevin, it's nothing special. I was going for a coffee downstairs and he was to get water. Neither could sleep, so we started talking about music." She had practiced that story too many times.

"Waaaah, I always cross paths with our seniors down the halls but I never held a conversation with them." Jeon Suho got into the conversation putting a hand on his band mate's shoulder. The Jeons were trainees for a while. "But he is quite approachable, right?"

"He is. He is really down to earth, humble and so talented."

"Ohhh, look who has a crush on our senior!" Haruhi wasn't helping.

"No, no. I do not... He is the first person I really got to speak to here. He's like an older brother to me. I respect him and admire him a lot."

"You can't deny he's cute!" Jeon Seah joined hearing her bias' name. Allyson could almost see the hearts floating all around her "He has the most beautiful voice."

"Surely she knows he is cute and he is all yours and of their thousands others Stays." Haruhi patted their leader's shoulder.

"I was thinking of introducing him to you all when they come back, but I'm beginning to think you'll start drooling and malfunctioning, Seah. I don't want my friend to have a bad impression of our leader..."

"Yah, how evil can you be to me?! I'd like to see you malfunction over someone... How can you be the same girl that writes those amazing romantic songs?"

"I guess you're beautiful, but I'm not into you, Seah... I'll let you know if that ever changes." Ally responded and winked at her leader. She had definitely spent too much time with those dramatic and flirty boys.

Everyone laughed at that.

Their happiness lasted for a week, top.

Nobody saw it coming.

Her parents arrived on Friday and stayed in their hotel for the day, exhausted for the plane lag. That same week, concerts and events were delayed or cancelled all over the world.

Debut was to be delayed as well, but most certainly they would be debuting in quarantine. They had been voting on a name: Bittersweet had won. They left the meeting room and were walking quietly until Allyson adjusted her facemask and spoke.

"I like it! Like that song Bittersweet Symphony! we can be BS for short... Sure. If we ever debut, our fans can be called Lies or Liers." She was excited.

Jeon Seah turned around mumbling and entered the meeting room again, just before their managers left. BS? Had nobody thought of that before?

Nobody was happy about that, but it could be hard in the international scene having a name that could be translated as bullshit... They decided on the second best. There was no date yet, but they would start unveiling names, pictures and short films online.


[A/N: I'm gonna write this conversations in English with bold to make it easier, but just know they are speaking Spanish.]

"It's pretty. I somehow thought you'd be living in a smaller room, daughter. I'm glad. I wouldn't want you to stay in a shoe box" Ana was looking at every poster in the girls' room. It was really neat and clean.

"Is nice, isn't it? This is my bed, above is Seah's, our leader. And that one is Haruhi's. She's the Japanese girl I spoke to you about."

"I like it. Do they treat you nice? Those girls? And the boys?"

"Yes dad. They are all good to me." The girl looked up, at her manager. "Do you know if we are allowed to go eat out with the group? I want to introduce them. We aren't known yet, and my folks will go back after debut and as soon as there's a flight available. Our country is blocking everything."

He was serious most of the time, but at that moment he smiled and nodded.

She looked over his broad shoulders and saw a pair of smiling crescent moon eyes below a black beanie she hadn't expected to see in many days more.

His father watched this exchange of looks and rose a questioning eyebrow. Oh boy! That gesture meant a lot.



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