Your so clumsy.... I love it

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Optimus Prime x shy clumsy reader

Umm hi my name is y/n and I'm just basically the shy kid in school and sometimes the clumsy one. I'm friends with Jack,Raf and Miko I met them when I first transferred to the school and they introduced them selves to me and I silently introduced my name to them. I also met the autobots when they thought it was time to confess that little secret they had in their minds. So right now your just walking in the halls of the school looking down at your feet trying not to trip and fall face flat on the floor. Hey y/n Miko said walking up towards your direction. You looked up pushing back some hair that was covering your face. H-Hey Miko you shyly said. What are you doing? Sha asked. Nothing much just was heading to my locker you said. Oh nice is it fine if I come with you Miko asked. Um yeah s-sure You shyly said. So how are you doing Miko asked as you guys were walking to the lockers. I'm doing ok lately how about you, you asked. I'm good so far school such a total bore though Miko said and rolled her eyes making you giggle a little bit. Hey but where's Jack and Raf you asked. Oh they went to the bathroom real quick so they'll be back Miko said. Oh alright you said and put all your books back in your locker when you two  reached them. So see ya after school Miko said. See ya after school you said.

*Time skip after school*

School was finally over you put your homework in your bag and left to finally get picked up by your guys guardians. As you were walking you didn't realize that one of your shoe laces were untied so then you accidentally tripped and you didn't hit the ground this time but instead greeted with two arms protecting you from falling. Woah y/n make sure to check your shoe laces next time Jack  said. You got out of his grip and stood up straight. I-I know I'll be careful next time you said blushing slightly of embarrassment. You guys then went outside in the court yard (I think that's what's it called) and saw the autobots in the auto forms. You saw Optimus there who was your guardian you slightly blushed a light shade of pink when you saw his truck form. See ya guys back at the base you quietly said. Alright Miko said. But as you were walking to Optimus you kept on falling but made sure to catch yourself before you fall face flat on the concrete. Once you were finally in Optimus you put your bag down and buckled yourself up. Hello Y/n Optimus greeted. Hey Optimus how have you been you silently said but loud enough for Optimus to hear. I've been doing good as usual how about you Optimus asked. I've been okay just still being the shy person I always was when I was little you said. Y/n you know you have to somehow break out of that shyness Optimus said (this is something that my dad tells me  all the time😑) I know I know it's just that.... You said. Is that Optimus said. I'm just kinda scared on how people are going to react if I whether to introduce myself to them you said. I get it y/n and I won't put any pressure on you Optimus said. Thanks Optimus you said. Finally when you guys reached the base you got out of Optimus and watched as he transformed into his full form. Y/n! You heard Miko yell and jump on you both of you crashing to the floor laughing. Y/n can I talk to you for a second Miko asked. Um sure you said. Miko then took you to the human area where you guys usually hang out. Okay this is a simple question and answer truthfully ok Miko said. Ok you silently said. Do you like Optimus she asked. You blushed a light shade of red. U-Um N-No you lied. Y/n I said truthfully Miko repeated. F-Fine I-I d-do just don't tell him You said. But little did you know that Miko had a little trick up her sleeve. My lips are sealed she said making it look like she's zipping her lips. Good you said. 

*Time skip*

As you were in the base you were walking around the base and then surprise surprise you fell again but you didn't fall face flat on the floor again but Jack or Raf and Miko weren't here so who Could it be. You looked up to be greeted with blue shining Optics you blushed when you realized who it was.... It was Optimus. Y/n how many times have you tripped and nearly hurt your beautiful little face Optimus said and looked at you. You blushed when he said that you were beautiful. You stood up straight now and held your arm and looked down of embarrassment. T-To many times I c-couldn't even count you said. Your so clumsy.... I love it Optimus said. You turned your head towards Optimus now. W-Wha- you said then got cut of be cold metal lips on top of yours. Your eyes were wide open then your body relaxed and you closed your eyes and kissed back. You then broke apart the kiss and looked at Optimus in the eyes with you probably being a blushing mess. B-But how did you know I also liked you this way you shyly said. Miko told me Optimus said. Well I guess next time I'm never telling Miko another secret you thought in your mind.


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