Your my ocean sea

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Requested by: TeddyChan1234A_

Merformers Optimus x chubby reader 


Your pov:

You hated the way you looked. Why you may ask cause you were slightly bigger than other girls and you were mostly bigger in the arms,legs,chest,thighs, stomach and rear end. But every time you went to school kids would make fun of you for your size. So you decided to end it all. Yup you heard me right end it all. Luck for you loved near a beach not far away from where you lived. And that's where you were right now sitting on the bridge watching the sunset enjoying the last moment you had on earth. You felt the wind blow in your hair and touching your skin feeling the cool breeze touching your body. You then slowly went down the bridge feeling the tip of your feet touch the water. You then went down deeper and deeper then you dived in not swimming back up to dry land. You were slowly going down deeper in the water until...

Optimus Pov:

It was just a normal day in the ocean just swimming around watching the sea creatures I have already seen pass by. It wasn't really that exiting in the ocean that people though would be fun. There isn't much to do other than swim around and hang out with your friends. But as usual I was just swimming around until I found a human girl that had long/short h/n hair glistening in the sun and the wind blowing through her hair perfectly. She was so beautiful I wanted to just kiss her. Wait what Optimus you can't fall in love with a human it's against the rules! I mentally slapped myself. I then saw the girl slowly getting in the water the tip of her foot touching the water. Once she was at a good distance she dived in. I watched as her body was slowly going down in the water. I knew what she did I seen many humans do this which was... killing them selves. I swam to the human female as fast as I can and once I got to her I grabbed her bridal style and swam up to the surface. Once we reached the surface I got out of the water feeling my blue and red tail turn into legs. I have been in this human form a couple of times so I know how to walk on two human legs. I put her down on the ground and saw her breathing. She slowly opened her eyes and once they were fully open she screamed.

Your pov:

I felt myself back on land and was slowly opening my eyes. Once my eyes were fully Open I saw a weird robot in front of me smiling making me scream. Ahhhh! You screamed. The man covered his ears. Ma'am could you not scream please the man asked. Okay I won't but who are you? You asked. My name is Optimus Prime leader of the merformers Optimus said. The what now you said. Merformers Optimus repeated. Let me show you Optimus said and jumped in the water. When he came back up you were amazed to see him as a merman. Woah you said. Optimus then came back on land watching his tail turn into legs after that. That's so cool you said. Optimus blushed. Thanks he said. He then cleared his throat. But the main reason why I'm here is because.... Why did you try to kill yourself asked Optimus. Your smile then turned into a frown. It's cause of my size you said. Your size but you look beautiful Optimus said. Not in other persons eyes you said. But your beautiful to me Optimus said. Yeah maybe but in others eyes I just look ugly you said tears forming in your eyes. What's your name Optimus asked. Y/n you said. Well y/n I think your beautiful Optimus said slowly moving his hand towards your thigh. You then felt a hand on your thigh making you shocked. O-Optimus what are you doing You said. Just saying your beautiful Optimus said slightly squeezing your thigh making you hold back a moan. You then felt Optimus's hand leave your thigh on to your waist. Optimus you said. You then felt metal lips on top yours. You were wide eyed at first but then closed your eyes and kissed back. The ocean sea may be beautiful but your beautiful meaning your my Ocean sea Optimus said. You giggled that's kinda cheesy you said. Yeah I know Optimus said nuzzling your neck. I love you y/n Optimus said. I love you to you said.


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