The x Tragedy x Of x Holly x Midoriya

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TW: mentions of bullying; a double homicide; betrayals; and a ton of angst

Also note, they get their Quirks examined at a later age than four, if only for the sake of plot.

3rd Person POV

It was the sixth birthday of the twins named Izuku and Holly Midoriya. Today was a really big day for the fraternal twins. Today is the day they get to find out what their Quirks are. Izuku bounced up and down in his seat next to his sister in the car in excitement. Maybe he'll get a quirk as good as his best friend's Katsuki, aka Kacchan. Holly, while more subdued, also couldn't wait. As last month, horns shaped like cat ears grew out of her head when she woke up that morning. And lately, her hair has been changing from the dark green with lime green highlights to rose pink, while still keeping her lighter green highlights. Her mother took her to the doctor, thinking that she got her Quirk early like Izuku's friend Katsuki Bakugo, only to find out it wasn't the case according to the doctor after doing the toe-joint exam. Maybe she will get some answers about them today.

Little did the family knew that something tragic awaited them in the near future....

"I'm so excited!!" Izuku couldn't keep still in his seat as he was shaking with anticipation. Holly rolled her eyes, but smiled regardless.

"Calm down, otouto-chan," she said, putting a hand on his head making him sit still for a moment before he turned to his twin sister.

"I can't help it, imouto-chan!" He exclaimed. "Today is the day we see what Quirks we got!!"

Holly, ever the more dignified twin, laughed softly, fluffing her brother's fluffy green hair. "I know, otouto-chan." The only thing Holly was hoping for was that the twins do not get the same doctor that examined her not a month ago, as Holly had a sneaking suspicion that the doctor was the type to not actually do his job and take shortcuts instead of following proper protocol...

Once they arrived at the familiar clinic, Holly barely kept an aggravated groan from coming out as she recognized the doctor that met them out in the waiting room. She was beginning to wonder if her Quirk is the type that can jinx it's host...

Inko, oblivious to her daughter's thoughts and expression, led both her children following the doctor. Holly frowned at the man's back, having a sinking feeling in her gut.

And to make matters worse, the bad feeling reared its ugly head in the worst way possible when the doctor examined Izuku and gave the family the last thing her brother wanted to hear.

"I'm sorry ma'am." the doctor spoke in a tone that meant otherwise, riling up Holly even more as she knew that the doctor clearly does not really care about his patients. "But you should give up. He does not have a Quirk."

The rage that Holly felt in that moment was palpable, judging by the nervous glances that her brother kept shooting her as she glared dangerously at the doctor unbefitting of a four-year-old.

He continued on, as if she wasn't there. "According to the toe-joint exam, he still has the double joint. So, he does not have a Quirk and chances are he won't develop one."

"Bullshit!" Holly wanted to lash out at the man. "You just won't do your damn job!"

Izuku grabbed Holly's hand, seeing that she really wanted to attack the doctor. For what reason, he doesn't know. But he doesn't want her to get in trouble.

"What about my daughter?" Inko asked, unaware of what was going on with said child.

The doctor barely spared Holly a glance before he answered. "The same result as last time we spoke: Nothing."

Wild x Holly (a BNHA x HxH story)Where stories live. Discover now