Discoveries x And x Aftermath

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3rd Person POV

There was no telling how long Holly kneeled near the graves of her mother and brother inside the forest the next day when she awoke from her fitful sleep. Her entire night was plagued with nightmares, from replaying the deaths of her only family to the dream being altered that some "extra" elements were added, like Holly being taken by All For One while All Might stood there and watched as she was abducted to who-knows-where to herself being stabbed through the heart like how her mother ended up. By the sun rose, visible dark rings were shown on Holly's face.

No matter how much her limbs were screaming at her to move, she just couldn't bring herself to move an inch away from the graves of her mother and brother. A part of her was scared that if she so much as move a millimeter away from her family's unofficial resting place then all of the memories of her mother and brother will disappear.

And Holly didn't want that. While she wanted to forget the gruesome way they met their untimely end, she didn't want to let go of the memories they shared as a family.

More than anything, she wanted them back, where they could all just go home and everything is right in the world. Like nothing bad could ever happen.

But the more logical and crueler part of her that it can't, and won't, happen. Because that is the reality of it all. And to be honest, reality sucks.

"Damn them..." Holly thought bitterly. "Damn the heroes... Damn the villains... and everyone else in between..."

Her hands turned into fists, her nails drawing blood from her palms, not that she noticed, even as it dripped onto the grass below, causing some flowers to bloom as a result.

But she was too busy drowning in her depression to notice this.

That is, until she felt something crawling up her arm.

Jerking her arm back thinking a spider was on her, she blinked in confusion and awe as she saw a flower bloom right before her eyes.

"Nani?" She spoke aloud, the innocent part of her mind that remained wondered if this forest is magical.

Then upon closer inspection, she saw the drops of crimson liquid that was her blood staining the leaves and part of the stem.

"Could it be..." she thought trying not to hope too much, "that I also have TWO quirks?!" First the see-through hands coming out of her back and now this?! How stupid was that first doctor?! She is so gonna kill him for his malpractice! And that's if she doesn't have that guy's license yanked from him, as that is probably the second or third time he was proven wrong! He will be the first that she will spill blood as it was his fault that she ended up like this! If that idiot did his job right, then none of what happened yesterday would have happened!

Before Holly could ponder the thought further, she heard some barking nearby. They weren't big barks like she would sometimes hear from the strays in the city, but joyful yips of...

"Puppies?!" She hoped as she is a lover of all animals especially small cute ones. And she could use a distraction from the mourning and rage.

Getting to her feet, she ignored the angry screaming from her aching joints as she bolted in the direction of the barking.

The thought that it could be dangerous didn't cross the young girl's mind as she ran through the undergrowth to investigate. Perhaps it was because since nothing attacked her during her "vigil" at her family's graves that surely nothing will attack her then.

Running through a tunnel made of gorse and wisteria, she stood on top of a slope. Looking out, she saw a wide open spaced field with wildflowers. The wind that blew through made a mesmerizing rippling effect on the grass.

Wild x Holly (a BNHA x HxH story)Where stories live. Discover now