Chapter 14♪/Sooner than expected\♪

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I do not own Marvel or Harry Potter but I did make Yumi Stark and this awful plotline
Peter's p.o.v

I stared as the girl I just met 2 hours ago leave in a hecking limousine.

I really wanted to be friends with her but I'm pretty sure you can't be friends with a stranger you just met.

I suddenly heard a ticking noise from the wall, it was the clock. I quickly looked at it.

Supposed I was to go home at 5 and it's already 5:10.

Quickly returning the books, I bolted out the door towards my bike and started to pedal home.


I notice how the there was a limousine parked outside our apartment.

I opened the door and slowly walked through.

Walking forward I was met with Aunt May and a lady with an aristocrat look, she was beautiful and weirdly enough she actually reminded me of someone.

I looked a bit more to the right to see that she was not alone,Seating beside her was a familiar face.

Her gray eyes met mine and a pit of excitement filled my insides.

A smile grew on our lips followed by aggressive waving.

She looked at the lady who I think is her Mom.

With a nod, The girl that I just met in the library- Yumi walked to me and we had an awkward hug- but hey! when was I not awkward?.

"Hey!" Seriously Peter! hey? That's it?

"Why don't you 2 go up to a room and play " Aunt May proceeded to usher us upstairs.

Walking up we sat at my bed and tried to- I guess learn a bit more about each other.

Yumi's p.o.v

We sat down.

When I said I wanted to meet him someday after our little encounter, I didn't expect it to happen in like 20 minutes!

"So..." A very awkward peter said.

At this point I might just faint on how strong the awkwardness is.

"Um-" Our voices merged together.

Laughter echoed from behind us, turns out Mum and Aunty May were laughing at us. I was never awkward before! What happened? It's just a-, a boy!

"Why don't you take Miss Yumi to your room Pete."Aunty May decided to break the awfully obvious awkwardness.

"Um- yeah, sure- this way" he then walk towards one of the white doors and let me in .

It was a little messy but surprisingly clean for his age, it had tons of scrap materials and a very boyish-teen theme. We sat on the bed and Peter decided to try and make it a little bit bearable since the awkwardness started to surface again.

"So..." His face was flushed as he grabbed his pillow and hugged it, he then backed up to achieve a more comfortable position.

"Do you enjoy building things ?" He asked while fiddling with his fingers Aww how cute.

It was a very interesting subject if I say so myself.

"Yeah I do, but it's mostly centered around devices and phones" his eyes gleamed of interest, but not like the gleam that you would typically see in the eyes of one Albus Dumbledore. His eyes gleamed of healthy interest with a hint of, something I would describe as "awe", Unlike Dumbledore who only had the gleam of obsessional interest.

Seeing and meeting someone new actually feels refreshing to a sense.

Unknowingly my chest started to feel a stronger sensation and with that an invisible string formed connecting our hearts.

It was a sibling bond.


For the past hour we have found more common interest.

We somehow ended up on the floor with a planning mat and a couple of scrap gadgets. We both made a string shooter out of some phone springs and a broken telephone. We were currently fixing it because the string would somehow get jammed in the process of exiting the device.

"I think I know where the problem is!" Peter then unloaded the ball of fine yarn that we used.

"What exactly are you doing?"

"Maybe the problem is within the load and not the machine" He then looked at me in the eyes and handed me a tub of made slime.

My face turned sour as I looked at how dirty the overly pink slime was. The slime had an outrageous amount of Pink glitter in it and the slime itself was I believe a lighter pink in color but over the years- atleast I hope it's a couple years old and not made decades ago, had turned the slime darker and for some reason stickier. Must have been the expired "slime paste" from those slime kits that I used to play with.

"And what exactly do you intend to do with this" I handed it back to him but he tossed it back in the mat and went to go get a small tube.

"The problem is with the string, what if the structure supports something of a certain stability?" He crosslegged back and handed me the tube while he grabbed the slime transferring it to a small water bottle. I then begun to attach it to the shooter.

"Are you hinting that the string is too stable and it needs to have something of a softer or harder structure? But I assume that in this case it is softer since your transferring slime to a unusually shaped water bottle and the fact that the tube fits both the shooter and the bottle opening."

"Exactly!" He then grabbed the shooter and tube that I connected.

He placed the 2 parts together and ✨TA DA✨ it stocked to the roof but fell because it wasn't that sticky, just enough to linger for a while.

I will admit not the smoothest but it's definitely better.

We both looked at each other and with a smile in our faces we had a  high five.

Well... When I said I hope to see him again, I didn't expect it to be sooner than expected, but hey! I ain't complaining.


WHA?! 3K?? This chapter was supposed to be a thanks for 800 reads and all of a sudden it turned into 3k?

Thank you guys very much! I just got my 2nd dose of vaccine yesterday and it hurts, welp anything is better than getting COVID, heard it's very painful.

I previously deleted the chapters that I did cause it was awful and because of that I had to speed write this in like 30 minutes 🤣

Your comments really encouraged me!

See you guys on my next update

-Hazel 💕

1097 words

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