Chapter 16-*Cages in her Eyes*-

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I do not own Marvel or Harry Potter but I did make Yumi Stark and this awful plotline

Sorry for the timeskips! The story would eventually slowdown once Harry shows up💕

Yumi's p.o.v

We finally reached Hogwarts.

Apparently we got caught up in the moment and forgot to change into our uniforms.

We only realized when we got out of the train, every student wore their Hogwarts robe and not a single one of them was wearing any muggle or wizarding robes.

We were the only ones to not wear proper uniform, and so we decided to head back to our compartment with our uniforms and change there.

Georgy and Freddy took the apartment on our right and i took the original  compartment we were on.

Normally the Hogwarts train stays for the evening and leaves on the morning of the very next day.

As a we finish, we walk towards the compartment doors and started to head towards the exit.

Before we can open the door, the train jolted formard.

It resulted to the Weasley twins screaming like high school girls. Don't get me wrong i'm scared but at the same time i was busy laughing my ass off. LOL i wish i had a recorder. That would be the funniest blackmail ever.

"Can you guys stop hugging each other as if you're about to die? It's a bloody train! Don't pretend like it didn't shake like this when we left the station earlier." I crossed my arms. The train finally stopped moving.

They looked at each other and went even tighter into hugging.

"oh Gred! How tragic our life has been!"

They started to mutter dramatic lines that I thought were only said in the theaters. They were so "emotional " that when they stopped McGonagall and Papa were clapping outside the train door.

"You know Weasleys, if you wanted to be theater actors you could have said so. And pls, do not involve my daughter in your nonsense. If you wish to follow your career choices-" He flashed a smirk and gently pulled me away outside the train.

"-then I highly suggest to never leave the train until it goes back to the station and worry not, I shall inform the headmaster."

With a knock on the train wall the door closed immediately and the train moved again.

All I could hear and see as the train moved was Georgy's stunned face that was pushed towards the window in a hurry to get out and Freddy's shouting on how I should also be in there and it's not fair that I'm not included.

"You're not really unenrolling them to become theater actors, right Severus?"A hint of confusion but mostly amusement in McGonagall's voice were evident.

Papa looked at me then patted my head.

"Ofcouse not! But.... Perhaps a 30 minute broom ride to the castle is enough of a punishment for bringing the Scholl brooms home. Those cheeky twins though I wouldn't notice 2 brooms missing on the Slytherin broom closet. That'll serve as their punishment"

I watched as the train moved on and left the station. I can only laugh at the predicament the twins were in.

With one last laugh I walked towards the self pulling wagons and boarded it towards Hogwarts.

Eventually I got bored.

This is boring without the twins...

As I became impatient I slowly looked around, The forest, the overgrown weed plants, the flowers... And I would sometime observe Papa and McGonagall.

McGonagall has a really nice bun tucked in a hat, she had pretty eyes that looked like cages- wait??? Cages?!

As I look deeper into her eyes, I could see bars of steel...

Is this normal for witches?...

"Save me... Little one...."

A chill crawled from my feet and into my spine. WHAT WAS THAT?!

"Miss Yumi? Are you ok?" McGonagall said

As I glanced over her eyes once again, everything once again looked normal. Maybe I was a bit overreacting.

I brushed it off yet the cages in her eyes was still engraved in my memories.

As we reached the the Ravenclaw table after the ride, the sorting led to 5 new members of the house. The feast was shorter and the night ended faster.


The sun shone from the curtains. My roommate already left and I was already a minute late. God dammit!

I ran to the bathroom and took a quick shower, I may or may not have slipped... 2, maybe 3 time...

You're already late! Stop thinking and start moving!

Putting on my uniform, I ran down directly to my class. I didn't even bother going to the great hall since they probably already removed the food.

I was about to reach for the door when a pair of hands suddenly grabbed me.

"Where do you think you're going!"


I was gone for a month! Thank you guys so much for reading this story!
My month has gone shitty cause all of the test and sadly I got fucking COVID.


- Hazel 💕

845 words

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