Epilogue // Snippets #5

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Just some domestic fluff.


"Poopoo!" Lisa exclaimed as the little girl splashed a generous amount of water across her chest.

"Sit still," she chuckled, gingerly running soap against the child's skin before rinsing her.

The blonde wrapped her daughter into the capybara towel Chaeng had chosen for her, flipping the hood up to cover Lila's damp curls.

The pair meandered into the living room, Lisa carefully rubbing the infant's arms and legs dry before fastening her into a clean diaper and tugging a long sleeved onesie over her head.

Jennie chuckled to herself, rolling her eyes before turning to see Lisa absorbed in deep talk with Lila, who was happily munching on her left foot and babbling non-stop to her favorite person, who also looked thrilled to be engaged in such an important discussion.

When Lila grew bored with the points Lisa was making about the subject at hand - something about tips on how Lila could make Jisoo lose focus when balancing bottles on top of her head and get her hair wet - Lisa put her baby down, who went off crawling happily around the spacious room.

The moment she sat down next to Jennie, who was (not really) trying to get away from her pouting lips and wet kisses, she stopped, as she always did, to focus on what her daughter was doing.

"No," the baby's voice said. Now near their Christmas tree, her face molded into a look of mild disapproval while her hands rested against her tiny hips - one of the many habits she took from her older copy - as she tried to stand on shaky, unstable legs.

Lisa looked up, taking in the scene before her, her eyebrows disappearing beneath her bangs. She matched Jennie's chuckle, a slight grin tugging at her cheeks, as though she expected nothing less from their daughter, who'd recently discovered her favorite, and frustratingly enough, only word - no.

"Poo, what's wrong with the Christmas tree?" she murmured. Lila stomped her feet in displeasure, lifting her arms and asking to be picked up. Lisa scooped the child into her arms before removing the ornament, moving it to several other places, receiving several more of the coveted word before a small smile graced their daughter's features and she nodded.

"You are so fucking whipped,'' Jennie burst out laughing.

"Yes?" the blonde coaxed, ignoring Jennie's (true) remark, mirroring the nod. Lila simply reflected the motion, but refused to repeat the word.

"Can you say yes?" she queried, raising her eyebrows in anticipation.

"No." Despite herself, Jennie giggled, earning herself a glare from Lisa and a wide, toothless grin from their daughter.


"Are you sure?" Lisa murmured, her eyebrows furrowing slightly. "I mean, there will be so many people, and won't the loud music bother her?"

Jennie giggled, shaking her head while she reached for the remote that was perched on the arm of the couch.

She paused the music, and gestured toward their daughter, whose face had crumpled in a mixture of confusion and frustration.

"Do you really think your daughter will mind that? Yes, she will. In case she can't hear the music or dance. It's not like we don't have a mini Lisa bouncing and screaming around 24 hours a day, she'll be fine."

As if to prove Jennie's point, the little girl whimpered, blinking back tears, but the brunette promptly pressed play, and the music began again. Lila's features smoothed considerably, and she settled back onto her pillow in contentment, wiggling her legs once again, leaving Lisa open-mouthed and Jennie fighting a smirk.

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