unknown love

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 This story is about a girl who was my stylish friend and my devotion one. Every single of mine isn't just only words but also the lyrics of my heart. I still love her though I noway told her face to face. She's the first lady who cares for me just like who I'm. Our every sweet discussion is now a great love story like Romeo and Juliet. Our love tale can beat every loving tale ever since now.

It's been started one time four months agone.

Sunday morning, Louis went to church. After finishing all the prayer and the Mass, he went outside the church and walked a bitsy bit of the Church. Suddenly stopped in front of the tabernacle of the virgin Mary, At that moment he first saw her. The white dress of the tiger's traces of light blue made her the goddess of the Ocean. Her foamy eyes and the bright complexion with a desirable figure like the desirable thirsty of full moonshine. he has fallen into her grace at the first regard. He stood there and giggled at her until she left his vision.

 He stood there and giggled at her until she left his vision

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Monday morning.

"Btw, I forgot to tell, I am Louis D Wilson. Today is my first day at my new academy. Oh, fuck! It's the first day at the academy only for me not for everyone. I came to this academy for my metamorphosis into another academy of capital. But I'm glad to admit myself to this institute. Now I am a pupil of nine grade in the academy. It's been formerly passed four months before my admission to this new academy. Still, I have formerly finished my discussion of new admission shit." Louis thought and whispering inner self.

Mr. Andrew to show me the way of first-class. Btw, he is the schoolteacher of 1st period. Louis was following behind him and entered the classroom. It's full of scholars. Like the theater of beautiful roses, especially the scent of roses drink him magically. Whatever his eyes locked by noticing that blue rose he saw that day. His imagination stopped by the buzz of Mr. Andrew. Mr. Andrew told him to take his position on the corner of the third-line alternate bench. Fortunately, the girl was sitting beside him with the lack of one hand, and the sweet scent of her smooth figure made him enraptured.

"Hi there, can we be musketeers? I am new then."Louis said to her by giving her my hand for a handshake 🤝

She shook hands with a smile and replied to him" why not? We are chum right now. Feel friendly I am then available for you anytime"

"Hey, I still do not know your name, "Louis told.

"Oh, shit I forgot. Btw, I'm Abigail. you can call me Abigail." she told bruiting.

Suddenly, Sir yelled" Attention everyone. Responses to call" likewise Andrew started calling their names. After that, the period started. and going on that way After ranging the end of the class bell, Louis went to the office room for collecting his academy ID card. After everything is done easily so He went back home.

coming morning.

It's Tuesday. He has formerly been ready for the academy. He wanted to see her. Last night, He couldn't sleep. It's the first time he felt he was unconditionally in love with you. Still, he was walking through the thoroughfares to the destination of the academy. Yet, utmost of the scholars went to the academy on walking. Likewise, he also walked. Ultimately, his cabin was not far from the academy. Whatever When walking someone called by his name.

"Hey, Louis slow down. I am coming" yelled Abigail,

Louis stopped and looked behind and it was Abigail coming towards me. Louis nervously told " Hey, ye yea. How are you? Good to see you."

She smiled" Let's go together"

"you know, you are the only friend I have. It's magical right. We met history and it's sounded like we have known each other for a long time, "Louis told.

"it's magical bonds, dude. Cheers over. You got me. Btw, I will be introduced to all my musketeers" She told while walking together.

" It's glad to have you, my dear Lady. Be thou me" Louis said

"aw ha, my dear price. Stop flattering and walk first until we'll be late" she replied while blushing "We have reached the academy in time."Louis told

After that, she introduced him to her friends. "Louis this is Mark, Keith, and Swan," she told.

"Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you'll." Louis said to them.

"Guys this is Louis, my swain. Just kidding LoL. Hahaha"she smiled and said.

They told"Hi. Nice meeting you. Gail's boy"

After that, they went to the classroom. Likewise, numerous days passed. Our relationship turns into a new way. They were not only stylish musketeers but also swain-gal. Besides, They have been dating for one time four months. plus they were graduated and He has got a lot of friends. one that times... Flashback.....

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