4th Chapter

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"5 thousand!" Louis said

"Damn Nigga, can I get a least 50 for running for you?"

"I got you, just hurry up before Paris comes on stage."

"Say less Niaya." Nigga said

Five minutes later, Niaya came back with dude that looked like he should've been playing football.

"This my brother right here, Slim." Niaya said, to the dude

"How many one's you need Shorty?" Slim asked

"5 thousand worth."

"Ard, follow me," Slim said walking off

"Here," Louis said, giving Niaya 40 dollars

"I thought you said 50 nigga?" Niaya Asked

"You said 50." Louis said, following Slim

Louis followed Slim to a back office with four other dude's in there

"I need 5 thousands one's." Slim told the dude in the office. 'Where the money at?' Slim asked Louis, who was at the door.

They counted out five thousand, and gave it to Slim.

"Here." Slim said, giving Louis five clear plastic wraps full of money

"What's this?" Louis asked.

"It's a thousand dollars full of one's in each brick you got. Want to count it?"

"Hell no! Good looking." Louis said, Walking out the office Holding five bricks of money

Louis took a seat right by the stage, just in time when the skinny stripper left the stage

"Next to the stage Yo'll, the pretty, short and sassy, Desire." The DJ said.

"I been drinking, I been drinking." Jay-z and Beyonce' song Drunk in love came on when Paris came on stage

"Damn!" Louis said. When he saw Paris

Paris was wearing a see through bra and thong, with a see through Rohe. Louis saw Paris Pussy and realize it was the first time even though he fucked her. Paris went to the pole and wiped it with an bleach wipe

"We be all night Loveeee, Loveee." Beyonce' song threw the speakers when Paris took her rohe off people started throwing money on the stage. Paris grabbed the pole and climbed up, but when she got to the top, she turned over and went down head first stopping before her head hit the ground.

"Damn Bitch." Louis said, snatching open on the bricks and throwing five hundred one's at one time.

That made Paris looked over where the money came from. When she saw Louis, she wanted to smile but played it off. She got on the ground and crawled to Louis. Paris turned on her back and spread her legs to give Louis a clear view of her pussy

"That's how you doing it." Louis said, throwing five hundred more one's at her, trying to grabbed her thigh

Paris smocked Louis's hand away and danced her way back to the pole.

"On my surfboard, My surfboard." Beyonce sang as Paris was riding on the pole like she was surfing.

"Damn!" Louis said, opening up another brick and throwing the whole thousand one's on the stage.

Paris danced to two more songs, while Louis threw more money.

When Paris set was done, Louis didn't have any more money left.

"I'm bout to dip, what you bout to do?" Louis asked Paris when she came back out, dress differently.

"I can't leave my car."

" Give your keys to Niaya, she doesn't drive."

"I'm not letting that batch drive my shit."

"Where you packed at?"

"In the garage," Paris said

"Ard, leave it! You can come back and get it." Louis said

"Ard, let me go get my bags," Paris said, walking off

"All that money you threw and I couldn't get a dance."

The stripper said, who Louis into when he came in

"You said I didn't have no money, and guess what?" Louis said


"I just threw over 5 stacks at one dance, and ran out of money! So you was right I don't have no money." Louis said

"You should take my number." The girl said

"Come on Louis, I'm ready." Paris said, getting in front of the girl, facing Louis

"Damn Desire! I was just talking."

"Not to this one you not." Paris said, turning around looking her in the face

"Chill Paris, come on." Louis said, grabbing Paris hand.

"Damn Bitch, you wasn't even going to tell me you was leaving." Niaya said, stopping Paris and Louis at the door

"I was when I got in the car."

"Whatever bitch, least I know you safe though. Love you." Niaya said

"Love you to." Paris said, leaving out the club

"Where you packed at?" Paris asked when they got outside

"In the parking garage."

"She phat as shit." Some guys in the line said, about Paris

"Niggas on you, Desire." Louis said, walking in the garage

"Aww, you jealous."

"Naw never that! I'm just mad you rape me."

"I don't know what you talking about." Paris said, following Louis to the third floor

"I was up Paris, I see why you stripper name Desire."

"That bl 10 minutes you gave me, boy bye." Paris said

"That's cool, I make up for it." Louis said, hitting the button on his car key

"Day-Day said you had a nice ass car but damn." Paris said looking to Louis Benttey

"He tell you about his lil girlfriend?" Louis asked when Paris got in the car.

"Day-Day don't tell me shit! He tell you everything under the sun."

Paris said sliding her chair by, but feeling something." Damn, you just got money laying around the car." Paris said, giving Louis the ten thousand he left under the seat

"Not really." Louis said, trying to put as much in his pocket.

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