8th Chapter

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 "I told you I'll do at, matter fact let me go get the list of food I need you to get." Ms. Turner said, going into her house

"You throwing a cook-out and didn't invite me," Paris said

"It just a graduation cook-out, for Jakie and them."

"So, I still want to come. Is your Lit girlfriend going to be there?"

"That's not my girl, but Yeah she going to be there. She graduating too."

"Here you go Louis, and don't let them people give you that fake shit." Ms. Turner said

"The phone ringing Ma," Paris said

"That better be that Damn Day-Day." Ms. Turner said going back into the house

"Did you get a bedroom set?" Paris Asked

"Yeah. I got a king star bed."

"Did you fuck in it yet?" Paris Asked

"No, why."

"Since your Lit girlfriend looking at me crazy, when she was kissing you, let me go kiss your dick," Paris said, getting off the steps

"What about Day-Day going to visit his father?"

"You know once I put this pussy on you, you not going to last long," Paris said walking into Louis's house.

Louis figure since Abigail didn't give him some pussy, he was going to get it from someone, and that someone was Paris.

"These bitches are crazy!" Louis said, walking into his house behind Paris.

The next morning, Louis was up bright and early for the graduation. The graduation didn't start for another two hours, but his phone was ringing non-stop like he was the one graduating.

"Can I speak to E.J." Louis said, when the person on the phone, picked up

"Yes, who's calling?" EJ Asked

"This is Louis, Jin said it was ok for me to call."

"Oh Yeah, Jin said you'll be calling. What's going on."

"She said, you're an aeill chef, so I was wondering are you busy later on tonight." Louis Asked

"I have to work tonight, but anything before that I'm free."

"Ard. I'm having a cook-out later on around 6 tonight and I need a cook. I pay you 500 dollars if you could make it."

"Hell yeah I can do it! I call out from work, just send me the address so I could get there early for prepping."

"Ard." Louis said, hanging up.

After Louis got off the phone with EJ. he called Mark to see if he was going but Mark wanted to open up shop on Grimper since it was Saturday. Plus Mark didn't want to seem like he was running from Monday.

"Well, he safe dummy! But, as I told you. I got something planned for them niggas." Louis said to Mark on the phone

"That's oval, but I'm not worried about them niggas dummy. Shop has been close for a week, so hit me when you get back."

"Ard." Louis said, hanging up.

Louis knew Mark wasn't hurting for money, he just loved the bull shit that came with selling drugs. That's why Louis knew he had to find another hustle that was legal before Mark have them looking up for murder.

Knock! Knock! Knock! Knock! Louis heard someone at his door knocking.

"Who the fuck at my shit this early," Louis said, looking out his hallway window from the second floor.

When he saw Cedey at the door, he shook his head

"It's 8:30 in the morning bitch! Fuck you want? Louis said when he opened the window

"Come open the door whofe!" Cedey said

"Ard, hold up." Louis said, closing the window, going to let Cedey in.

"Fuck you up so early for?" Louis Asked, Cedey when he opened the door

"You know Black graduate today too, but I'm not trying to ride with them. Since you going, I'm riding with you. Plus I can't smoke in her car."

"Who said you can ride with me." Louis said, closing the door

"Damn, I see you finally got furniture in this bitch, oh shit this T.V big as shit." Cedey said

"Yeah I know. But roll up some grass, I'm bout to get in the shower." Louis said, walking up the steps.

"Ard." Cedey said, laying back on the couch turning the T.V on.

Louis stayed in the shower for 45 minutes to get his thought together. He came up with his best plans in the shower.

When Louis got out of the shower and went into his room, he had to figure out what to wear. He know he'd wear something dressy, but not too dressy. So he we with his white Ferragamo linen pants, Gold and White Ferragamo linen shirt, and white Ferragamo loafers with a gold buckle each lofter. To complete his fit, he put on his new gold Cuban link diamond choker chain. Louis didn't want to wear the choker chain by its self, so he put on a VVS diamond chain. It shined so much if you cut the lights off, the chain would still keep light in the room. And, all that ice wouldn't mean anything

without his Roles, that he had bustle down

"Damn, clammy! We see who getting money." Cedey said when Louis came downstairs.

"I smell weed, but I don't see anything rolled up." Louis said

"That's the cause, you not looking," Cedey said, throwing a fresh rolled up blunt at Louis

"O Ard!" Louis said catching the blunt. "Come on dummy! I got to stop to pick up these balloons."

"You got your tickets to get in?"

"Yeah Bitch come on! Louis said, walking towards the front door.

That shit smells good! What kind of cologne is that?" Cedey asked when they got in the car.

"Why would I tell you, so you could steal my swing," Louis said, pulling off.

Louis stopped at the store to get the graduation balloons first. Then, he stopped at Dunkin Donuts to get him and Cedey a breakfast sandwich.

"It's a lot of cars out here today, if it wasn't A weekend I would've thought it was a school day," Cedey said when they pulled in the school parking lot.

"I know right," Louis said, find a parking spot and lighting the blunt

"It's some bad bitches at this graduation today," Cedey said, looking at a female with a dress that was hugging her curls.

"You always talking about bitches, but I never see you with none. I'm starting to think you like dick instead of pussy." Louis said, pulling out a big weed bag full of Perks 30s

"Now you sound gay dummy! Let me get one of them." Cedey said

"Here," Louis said, giving Cedey a pill, then talking one himself

with some juice. "Ard, come on, and let's get this shit over with," Louis said, putting the blinft out and getting out of the car

"Want me to grab the balloons?" Cedey asked.

"Naw, I get them after the shit over."

When Louis and Cedey got to the front of the school, officer white stop Louis before he can walk in.

"Hey Mr. Johnson, looking like a rap star." Officer White said 

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