7.ARC | Overestimated

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I look around at the other houses. Even if they did have their curtains closed, I could see lights barely shining through the windows anyway. But on my walk to B's house... there were no lights. No sounds of the television. No sounds of cutlery scraping against plates as families have their dinner.

The only house with their lights blazing was B's house.

When I say blazing, it quite literally is blinding as compared to previous nights. All the lights were on. B said that it's "a waste of electricity".

...something's wrong.

I cautiously approached the house, eyeing for anything suspicious. Surely B had guests over? Why don't I see anyone, then?

Instead of going to the door as usual, I sneaked up on a window.


I was about to head for the door when I spotted movement, but I didn't make out who, or what it was. The door opening caught my attention,as I brigtened up, expecting to see B at the door.

...it wasn't B.

"...where's Mr B?"

The person just stared down at me. "...sir? Where..."

"We aren't allowed to disclose information at this time, but we are here to question the person residing in this house. You aren't allowed on the premises."

Another person, wearing the same uniform as the guy at the door, appeared. "Hey, we aren't allowed to let anyone in!" He then looks over at me. "...isn't it a little too early for Halloween? It's only the first week of October! Go home, kid!"

I take a few steps backwards, eyeing the men. "What's Halloween?"

The first man laughs, and I just stared. "Oh, you come to a house, wearing a plague doctor's costume, in October, and ask a police officer what Halloween is? You're funny."


"Uh, sir, I think they're serious."

"Holy shit, they are?-"

"What's Halloween?" I ask again, and the officers glance at each other. "...well... it's when we cosplay as certain characters and attempt to scare one another? We carve pumpkins. Surely you've seen it, it happens every year."

I was about to reply when the first officer interrupted. "Enough talk about Halloween. What's your name?" "...Y/N L/N."

He scribbles something in his notepad. "Well, Y/N L/N, I hope you don't mind if we also take you in for questioning regarding the disappearance of Molly Arthur and her children. We have reason to believe you could be related to it, as they live just down the street and we've heard the rumours of you sneaking up on people at night."

Rumours of me sneaking up on people? I don't even see people often, the only exceptions being me peeping through windows to look for TVs and my nightly visits to Mr B. "I'm afraid that's wrong, officer. I just look through open windows to watch TV and meet up with Mr B here every night."



A third officer appeared. "Just bring the citizen as well. Even if they're not responsible, they could give us useful information." "I'm telling you, I'm not responsible for the disappearance of the damn family."

"We're not going to lock you up." "...that is, if you prove your innoce-" The first officer cut the second off by using his elbow to jab him in the stomache, causing him to hiss in pain and shut up.

"Look, ignore what my friend here is saying, we won't put you in jail unless there is evidence that you're related to it." "It's a kid in a plague doctor costume spooking the town, of course it's damn suspicious to me!" "if you don't shut the fuck up I might frame you"

Wow, very professional police here.

"Just follow us, do as instructed, and you'll be fine. Come in."

I hesitate, before going inside the house. I realise how strange it is, that I've been meeting up with B every night for a week or two and it is only today when I go inside for the first time, people who aren't the ones living there are the ones giving me permission to do so. The third officer from earlier approached me. "So, Y/N, huh? Mind taking off your mask for the questioning?"

I turn to look at him so fast that he jumped. "I'd rather not." "It's... for identification purposes. Our superiors would be mad if we handed in a report with a picture of a plague doctor labelled "Y/N L/N". Even if you have to wear a mask... pull it down."

I stare at him as a smile starts forming, that he can't see, for obvious reasons.

Dr. Bright's POV

I nudged the person next to me. "Hell was that for-" "Lieutenant Reese is distracting the entity, you have a tranquiliser loaded, shoot them." She sighs as she peeks at Y/N. Their back was turned as Reese talks to them... what they were talking about, I have no idea.

I look at Anne, she was hesitating to shoot. "Something wrong?"

"I just... I... isn't it a little unpredictable, we never tested tranquilisers on..." "Just shoot. Never hurts to try, we have another squad backing us up anyway. XYZ is distracted."

She looks away from XYZ. "Can't..." "...oh, gimme that."

Before she could react, I grabbed the gun from her, aiming at Y/N's right shoulder. "Bright, I thought you were only supposed to act when they-"

I see Reese taking off Y/N's mask and that's when I shoot.

I see Y/N stumble, and I honestly immediately felt pretty bad. They attempt to grab onto Reese, who backs away with utter shock etched on his face as Y/N slips into a state of unconsciousness.

"Why'd you need two squads here anyway... y'all have Doctor Jack Bright anyway."

Reese drops the mask as the members of the Clods squad surround Y/N, blindfolding them, chaining them, putting a collar, standard procedures.

That was when I noticed that they had another plague doctor mask on, almost as if Lieutenant Reese never took their mask.

"Even though the entity heals you when in direct skin contact, please be wary and follow all procedures put in place for transporting SCP-049. We do not know its full capabilities and it may be able to use plants as a weapon when hostile." "Then use more tranquilisers." "Dr Bright is no longer allowed to suggest "Use More Guns" "Get Bigger Guns", "Chainsaw Cannons", and additionally, "Use More Tranquilisers" to deal with any situation." "Fuck you, Anne."

I stood near Y/N for the entire ride to Site-19. Captain Myron was death glaring me from the driver's seat the entire time.

I do not understand why O5-1 suggested the use of Village Idiots, as I'm pretty sure regular civilians can contain Y/N just as easily. Paranoia? Assumptions made from the rumours I told him? I had no clue. I then remembered to take out 963 from under my shirt, putting on my lab coat.

I really wonder what would happen if Y/N were tested with 049. Would they see each other as friends? Siblings? Have they met before? Polar oppossite anomalous abilities may suggest this... but Y/N's mask and clothes aren't part of their body. But 049 and 049-J are brothers, with DNA testing to back it up. Well, despite the fact that 049-J uses more... questionable cures, has little to no anomalous properties aside from being a living pile of moss, and is a way better escape artist than 682.

I snap out of my thoughts. We haven't even given Y/N an object class yet... probably Euclid, but if I were to choose, Safe. Containment Procedures are still pending and the description of Y/N isn't even written. I do not understand why I am allowed this... but my main focus is shifted to the fact that I am somehow the head researcher for SCP-XYZ, now responsible for the containment and all future testing Y/N will be subjected to.

We pass a gate and after a while, approached a building.

"Welcome to your new home, Y/N."

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