13 | Glass

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The familiar sound of the door hissing open caused me to look up, expecting to see the menace to society, Dr. Veilleux. However, I felt the same disappointment from back at their house.

It wasn't.

"Hey El-"

The blonde pauses, looking around the room. He then spots me through the window, coming over. "Do you happen to know where Dr. Veilleux is? I was told she would be here." "Ah, they said they were needed for a meeting... she should be back in about..." The both of us simultaneously looked at the clock hanging above my bed. "Ten minutes." "Ah. Well, so we've got an hour to kill, then."

I look directly at him. "An hour? I just said ten minutes, they said they would-"

I was cut off by the man laughing, before bending over in a poor attempt to hide his giggling. "...sir?" He starts coughing, looking back at me. "SCP-XYZ, correct? Has literally anyone including the other SCPs and D-Class, informed you of just how much chaos radiates off of that guy?"

I think back to earlier in the day when Eleanor told me about their scoreboard for how many times she got into trouble. "...yes? I don't know the full extent, though... "Days without incidents"? Yeah, I can only imagine what she has done to deserve that."

The blonde chuckles, and he looks over at the door. "She's... well, in some sort of meeting, alright. There's no way this will end well though, with two certain people who had some sort of past in the same room as that immortal bastard." "Immortal?"

He gives me a questioning look. "You don't know?"

I shake my head. No wonder Ella's too valuable to be let go or thrown in jail.

He then holds up his phone, a picture of someone. Of Eleanor, and she looked so much different. Younger, early 20s if I were to guess. Their hair was actually neat, long and tied into a ponytail. She still had all those scars. She was wearing a T-shirt, and my eyes were immediately drawn to her left arm. If reading had taught me anything, that was a healed third degree burn going across their whole arm.

"Any idea who this is?"

I blinked at the doctor. "Eleanor? It's obvious it's her, but they look...'

Dr. Glass smiles. "Oh, different? This was them in 1997."


"1997." "Yes."

I squinted at the picture, shaking my head. "Then that means she... they're, like, they look like in their early 30s, not..."

"...an old person?" the doctor finished for me.

I nod.

"I can't tell you the details, but her first death led to them becoming, well, immortal. Every time they die, we have to get a Class D to light a candle, and Eleanor then, I guess, posseses them. The D-Class physically changes to take on her appearances, but some things like age would remain the same."

He then points a finger through the glass, at me. "You better not mention what I told you to her, though. Unless they bring it up themself. Being immortal is kind of a sensitive topic for her." "Ah, thanks for the warning, doctor..." "...Glass. Call me Glass."

I extend my hand, only for it to bump into the window separating me from Dr. Glass. "...fuck."

And almost on cue, the lights dimmed. Followed by flashing red lights, and a loud alarm blaring through the facility. I covered my ears, as Glass stands, glancing around worriedly.

"Glass, what's going on?!"

A voice comes on the intercom, louder than the alarms, I back away from the speaker in my room. "The site is experiencing a Keter and Euclid breach! SCP-035 and SCP-049 have escaped from the testing chamber! All personnel are to stay in the evacuation shelters until MTF unts arrive! I repeat! The site is experiencing-"

The intercom cuts off. "Glass, what's going on?!"

He walks to a control panel, turning my lights back on as he looks back at me. "Containment breach. I'm not sure if the breached SCPs will hurt you, but I do suggest staying in here for now to avoid getting guns in your face. The MTF aren't nice to SCPs who breach containment. I have to leave, I'm danger of well, dieing."

He starts leaving as I climb back onto my bed. He turns around again. "If you do leave this room, however, I suggest you stay away from anything that doesn't look human."

With that, Dr. Glass bolts out of the room before I could respond.

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