Three ice creams please

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*Thalia's POV* (time skip next day)
"Annie we're going to get some ice cream with daddy, why don't you go hope in the car" "ok mommy."

I walked quickly upside and knocked on the guest room door. "Luke are you ready?" "I'm just scared about Annie, I mean her whole world just turned upside down. She's seven i mean, but I'm just scared." "Yeah I get that, let's just get in the car though."

"Annabeth put on your seatbelt please."
"Ok daddy!" Annabeth sounded so happy, it torn my heart in half. I hated this, why did I tell Luke that I didn't love him. Do I love him? Or is this for the best?
"Mommy?" Annabeth's words snap me out of my thoughts. "Yes Sweetheart?" "Mommy can I please pretty please have two scoops?" Annabeth looked out me with her best puppy eyes she could do. "Sure baby, what flavor do you want?" Annabeth looked like she was in  deep thought, because right now that was the most important thing in her little world.

"Hello can I please have cone with one scoop of chocolate?" I ask the worker. Luke quickly spoke up "And I can have one scoop of vanilla in a cone too? Annabeth do you want me to order for you or do you want to?" Annabeth perked up "Can I have two scoops of strawberry in a cone please?" Annabeth looked so proud of herself.

Me and Luke quickly payed and grab our ice creams. We all walked to the park next store and sat down on a hill called Half Blood Hill or something like that.

"So Annabeth...Me and Thalia have something to tell you." Luke looked at me and then back at Annabeth.

"Annabeth, me and your father love you so much, and this has nothing to do with you at all". I looked into Annabeth's eyes, they looked just like Luke's, only a little more gray. "But we're going to get a divorce." I let the news sink in, Annabeth's eyes filled with tears rolling down her cheeks. "I'm not hungry anymore" Annabeth says handing me her ice cream.

Annabeth is sobbing into Luke's shoulder. "I WANT TO GO HOME!" Annabeth screams into Luke's shoulder.

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