Family photo

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Thalia's POV

Once Annabeth went upstairs and I was sure she was asleep and not reading, I walked into my room. Grab my pjs and just looked at a family photo of me holding Annabeth in my arms and Luke on my right in the hospital. Annabeth had her eyes open and I could see your blueish gray eyes, she was wrapped in a pink blanket. Luke looked so happy along with me, back when times were so much easier.

As I looked at the photo emotion run through my body. I closed my eyes and thought of that day.

"Luke get up! My water just broke!" I said as I
Shake Luke intil he woke up. "Okay let's get in the car." Luke said sleepily.

"Luke? I'm scared!" I say though tears. "Thalia it's going to be okay alright? Look Thals I know you're scared but it's okay I will be right by your side. You can hold my hand if you want, and soon we'll have a new member of our family. Everything is going to be okay, I love you." As Luke is telling me that he grabs my hand and squeezed it tight. "I love you too." Luke looked over at me and give me a reassuring smile.

I'm laying in the hospital my whole body hurts tears are free falling as I take one shaky breath after another. "Thalia I love you." Luke as as our eyes meet.

Pain shot though me, unspeakably pain. Sobs and screams were coming out of my mouth. As the pain grew worse and worse I felt Luke's hot breath by my ear. "Thalia, I'm right here, I got you you're safe. I'm not leaving you, I have your hand. I love you."

One cry. Once I hear that my head hits the pillow. The doctor holds up my daughter for me and Luke to see and then go take her to make sure she's healthy. Then I hear another cry, Luke is crying into my hand, holding and squeezing it tight.

The doctor walks in holding a bunched up pink blanket carefully in between his arms
As he walks into the room and place my daughter in my arms, she melted into my arms. "Hi sweetheart I'm your mommy I love you so much." I say quietly in her ear. After I held her for awhile I gave her to Luke to hold. "Hi sweetie I'm Luke and I'm your daddy, I love you very much. What are we going to name her?" Luke asked me "Annabeth." I say.

I force myself to stop thinking about that and go to lay down, crying myself to sleep because my family might never be that happy together again.

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