The car ride

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*Luke POV* (warning for physical and verbal abuse)

I strapped Annabeth into her sea green car seat. Hugging her tightly,I looked down at her face and saw her eyes red from crying, snot coming for her nose, and her mouth whimpering with noises. I could make out a few words but mostly it was just sobs. "Hey Annie every little thing is going to be okay, I love you." I said trying to calm her down.

After a little while Annie fall a sleep. I hope that her dreams were peaceful and quiet. "Luke?" Thalia said quietly."Yes Thals?"
"Do you still love me?" Thalia said her face in her hand. Sitting next to me in shotgun. "Well I do still, but I get that you want a divorce..with my mom and dad, before he left fight a lot with her, and I thought that was what love.. I'm sorry Thalia."

Then all of a sudden a car comes flying down the street at about 90 miles. It's heading right for our car! Oh My Gods, it's going to hit the car side where Annabeth and Thalia are! NO NO NO! THERE ARE GONNA DIE! "THALIA LOOK OUT!" I scream as loud as I could, Thalia's head snaps up and just stares at the car like a deer in the head lights. Annabeth wakes up with a start and looks over and see the car, she also just looks at it with tears in her eyes.

Time seems to stop as I'm lost in thought, is this the last time I will see my family? What happens if I'm the only survivor? Or if Annabeth or Thalia is the only survivor? Does Thalia love me still? Was I a good father? Why? Why my family? After everything I'm been though, why my family?

"Family Luke you promised" the words Annabeth said when me and Thalia were fighting. I promised Annabeth that we would be a family no matter what.

I turned the car around as fast as I could, so that the car would hit me and not my family. "LUKE WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Thalia screamed.

In less then a second the other car collided with us. Pain unspeakable pain shot up and down my body. There was no escape from it. Then my life flashed in front of me.

My dad telling me that I was nothing. My mom hitting me. My dad walking out of the front door. Seating alone at lunch and then a girl with short black hair coming and talking to me. Graduating high school. Getting married to Thalia Grace. Thalia handing me a positive pregnancy test. The day when my little girl entered the world. Her first day of school. Telling me that I was the best father in the world. Me and Thalia fighting. Taking Annabeth for ice cream. And now this.

I thought of my family one least time, how much I loved both of them. And how much they help me. I thought of my family as everything want black.

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