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*Thalia's POV*

"ANNABETH ARE YOU OKAY?" "Yeah I'm fine just scared mommy." "Luke? Luke! LUKE?" I open the car door and run to the divers side, I pull open the door as fast as I could. Luke just sits there, there's blood anywhere, the car is damaged beyond repair.
I pull Luke out of the car and carry him bridal style. "Luke I'm here with you, you're safe. Everything is going to be okay." I'm sobbing into Luke, My Luke, My Lukey Boy,

Annabeth comes over and see me hugging and cradling her dad, her eyes fills with tears she runs over to us and give Luke the biggest hug she can manage with her little seven year old arms. "Daddy wake up! Daddy wake up now!!"
Annabeth begs.

I quickly pull out my phone and dial 911

"911 what's your emergency?"

"We were in a car crash at 5th avenue and my husband turned the car so that me and my daughter wouldn't get hurt but he took the collision head on." I try to study my breaths so that the 911 operator can clearly hear me.

"Okay we have sent an ambulance over please stay them"

"Thank you so much!" I hang up the phone and look down at Luke, then a little voice in the back of my head said, if he dies it's you're fault. You wanted a divorce now he's going to die thinking that you don't love him. You wouldn't be here if you never told him wanted to divorce. "Thalia?" I hear a soft voice whisper out, "Luke?!" I almost screamed. "I love you both so much." Luke sounded like each word hurt to say. But he still choked them out.

"Save your strength Luke please! Help is coming." Luke closed his eyes, I put my head to his chest. His heart is still working, I hear him breathing, right now he's safe.

In the distance I here sirens then an ambulance comes rolling to the street. The ambulance pulls up next to us. Some people take out a stretcher and place Luke on top and carry him inside. The ambulance driver tells us to get in, and off to the hospital.

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