chapter five

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Once class ended Aizawa-sensei said you all could talk Intel present mic came to start his class. And then he left you alone for the wolves grumbling about needing a cup of coffee.

You tried to follow him out but the minute he was out the door the class descended on you with questions and introductions. "Hi my name's uraka ochaco an-" one girl started but was quickly was cut off by somebody else. "How did you get in to ua? I thought-"

someone else started. "Can I touch your boobs?"someone else asked before being hit in the head by somebody else. You wanted to be able to answer there questions But since they all were talking over each other you couldn't really hear what they were saying.

Some students had moved in front of the door managing to block your escape. with all of the noise your sensitive ears were starting to hurt.

"Um excuse me but could you mayb-" you tried to interrupt them to ask them to calm down but no one heard you. So you tried again. "Um excuse me bu-" they just got louder. "Excuse m-" they were getting closer to you now and it was making you nervous. It was making you have flashbacks of your past bullies.

You were starting to panic when a boy with spikey blond hair stood up aggressively and yelled. "SHUT UP ALL YOU SH***Y EXTRAS CAN'T YOU TELL YOUR MAKING HER UNCOMFORTABLE" there was complete silence for a second before a green haired boy who was sitting next to the blond pulled on his arm a little.

And said in a small voice. " Um k-k-kachan m-maybe you should c-c-calm down a bit or something or you know what n-n-never mind" he suddenly stopped talking when the blond looked at him. Then he shook his hand off.

"Don't tell me what to do deku!" He growled but even you could tell it was a bit more subdued. Then he pushed through the crowd of students coming straight for you with an annoyed look on his face.

When he got to where you were he grabbed you're arm and that's when the students started talking again. "Yo bakubro you should listen to midobro and calm down we just wanna get to know the new girl" a spikey red head with shark teeth said with a frown on his face.

"Yeah, bakugou don't bully the poor girl" a boy with blond hair that has a lightning bolt in it said. There were murmurs of agreement from around the room.So bakugou was his name. "SHUT UP, SH***Y HAIR. YOU TOO RIPOFF PIKACHU"

You flinched a little from his loudness. But we're otherwise confused as to why they were saying he was bullying you. Though his posture was aggressive his hold on your arm was gentle. If anything they were the ones being bully's.

"Look you d*** nerds I'm going to take her to her seat and you guys can come and introduce yourselves in a civil fashion. Otherwise I will kill all of you!" Though his voice was still a growl you noticed that he had stopped yelling seemingly having noticed that loud noises made you uncomfortable.

Then he led you back to your desk. As you sat down you noticed that your seatmate was still in his seat and hadn't been part of the mob of students. You noticed him glaring at bakugou. And wondered why.

Bakugou then drew your attention back to him as he sat in the desk seat right in front of you next to the green haired boy. He turned around and said in a voice softer than his previous ones. " You doin ok nerd?".

You smiled slightly at his concern and said " yes thank you for helping me there" he smirked and said. " Of course and if any of these d***ed extras bother you again you let me know ok."you blushed and looked down but nodded.

Then bakugou looked at you're seatmate. With a smirk and turned around in his seat. You could've sworn you heard what sounded like a growl from your seatmate. But before you could ask him about it a blue haired boy with glasses walked up to you're desk.

He bowed low making these arm gestures that semi resembled a robot.
Then he stood back up and started to speak.
" I am iida tenya . And on behalf of the class I would like to apologize for our rudeness. and any discomfort we may have caused you." All of this he said while nervously glancing between bakugou and your seatmate. Who were both glaring at him.

"Nice to meet you iida-san. About earlier it's ok I'm not mad at you guys " You said with a close eyed smile. He visibly looked relieved. Then he said "would you allow us all to ask you some questions? We all want to get to know you." You were a little nervous at the thought of them all mobbing you again. But tried to ignore your nervousness and said. "Sure, just... Please ask one at a time last time I could barley hear anything you guys were saying." He nodded sharply "of course".

(Alright I'm just gonna skip the introductions and questions cause honestly I'm drawing a blank but I will say that you told them you got into ua off of a recommendation. Alright back to the story)

You were exhausted after answering all of your new class mates questions. But you were glad that they seemed to like you and didn't seem like they would bully were currently sitting in present mics class.

Trying to ignore your seatmates staring again. While the rest of your classmates were talking to you earlier he had alternated between staring at you and glaring at your classmates. But he never said anything and it was starting to get on your nerves.

Now you weren't a very confrontational person but if he kept this staring thing up over the next few days you were going to have to confront him. You're thoughts were interupted by the ring of the bell and you breathed a sigh of relief. And quickly made your way out of the classroom.

On your way down the hall towards the teachers lounge a hand on your arm stopped you. "Oi scaredy cat the cafeteria is this way." You looked back to see bakugou slouched over and scowling at you. Then a green mop of hair followed by a bright face with freckles peeked over bakugou's shoulder. He had introduced himself as midoriya izuku in the class room earlier.

He grins at you over bakugou's shoulder and said "hi l/n-san would you like to come and eat lunch with us?". You smiled apologetically "sorry I already have plans to eat with Aizawa-sensei today" you felt really bad thinking that they probably wouldn't want to sit with you again now because you rejected there offer.

Bakugou clicked his tongue and turned on his heel as he strolled away he said "fine scaredy cat the offer still stands though." Midoriya smiled at you shyly and said "I second what he said you are always welcome to sit with us".

bakugou was a half way down the hall by now but he looks back and growls " you coming deku or do you just wanna talk the whole hour" midoriya chuckles nervously and say's. "Bye l/n-san, I'm coming kachan" then he takes off running to catch up to bakugou.

And you head into the teachers lounge smile ng at the thought that you might have made some new friends.

A/n hello all of my lovely readers sorry I took so long writing this but hey I updated. In less than a month so that's a win😅 another thing is sorry there was no mystery POV in this chapter but next time I do it I plan to reveal who he is though I'm pretty you guys know who it is😎 so see you next time vote comment share and have a good evening/day/morning/night🤣

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2021 ⏰

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