Chapter one

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y/n pov_ under editing

You were cleaning the coffee machine when the bell over the coffee shops door twinkled. Signaling that you had a new customer. You put down the cleaner and rag and turned to greet the customer. it was a man with semi long pitch black hair, and sleep deprived eye's. He wore a black long sleeve tshirt, and had a little bit of scruff growing on his face. Almost like he just woke up and forgot to shave. Despite all that what really caught your interest was the orange and white striped cat sitting on his shoulders. you recognized him as one of your favorite underground hero's eraserhead. and you immediately squealed in excitement. almost shouting you said "YOUR ERASERHEAD ONE-".

you were quickly cut off by a hand slapping over your mouth while eraser head glared at you threateningly and said quietly. "I would appreciate it If you would keep your voice down please." You nodded your head obediently and he removed his hand. "Now, I would like a vanilla Frappuccino. And a banana and chocolate chip muffin-" he was interrupted by a loud meow, and he turned his head to give a tired glare at the cat on his shoulders. You giggled still exited to be meeting your favorite hero and to see him acting so human it reminded you that even hero's are humans. still giggling you reached your hand out to pet the cat and ask "And whats your name pretty boy?" the cat jumped down onto the counter and started rubbing it's head into your hands purring. You smiled softly while petting his head and said. "Well hello to you too Haru-san ." you looked back up at eraser head while still petting Haru-san's head and said " So you wanted a Frappuccino and a banana and chocolate chip muffin. will that be all." he was looking at you kind-of confusedly. you were about to repeat yourself when Haru-san meowed at you bumping your hand with his head asking you a question, and you answered him out loud. "You want me to add a tuna casserole to that list. hmm how about this I'll add one free so we don't make your lovely owner over there have to pay extra this early in the morning. hows that sound?" haru-san purred in agreement. And you turned your attention back to the man who was looking at you quizzically. And said " as long as it's okay with you eraserhead-sensei -" you were cut off by his sleepy voice. "call me Aizawa-sensei, and if you don't mind me asking how did you do that. Haru-kun isn't usually that friendly with strangers, and how did you know his name and what he wanted??" you were kind of flatterd that he seemed to have an interest in your interaction with his cat. And took a moment to pose your answer. then you responded " Well I guess it's because of my quirk that he's comfortable around me and it helps me understand cat's." you said thoughtfully you'd never really thought about it before. It was just a part of you. You shook yourself out of those thoughts and back to your conversation with aizawa-sensei . " Anyways, are you okay with the free casserole" you seem to had shaken him out of his thoughts as well. and he started then said" yes the casserole is fine and that will be all" you gave him a closed eyed smile and said "For here or To go?" he seemed to think it over for a minute then said." when is your next break?" you gave him a confused look and said " umm in about 25 minutes." you responded pushing your f/c glasses up nervously. he smiles and said " ok come over to my table on your break I want to talk to you". "umm ok," you said a little hesitantly. "good" he say's as he picked up haru-san and walked to a table in the back leaving you to wonder what your favorite hero could possibly want too talk to you about.

(time skip brought to you by dekus adorable freckles)

Your break had just started and you were extremely nervous to be having a one on one conversation with your favorite hero. You wondered what he wanted to talk you about but shook it off as you approached his table. He had his head resting on the table appearing to be asleep with haru-san laying curled asleep on his head. You quietly cleared your throat waiting. Nothing not even a twitch. You walked over to him and tapped his shoulder and said. " umm Aizawa-sensei you wanted to speak to me about something?" He groaned quietly and lifted his head to look at you startling haru-san in the process. The cat in turn leaped off his head and into your arms. you barely caught him in time. Aizawa-sensei looked up at you sleepily and said. "ah there you are have a seat." you sat down across from him petting haru-san and then asked him what had been running through your mind since he had asked you to meet him on your break. "So what is it you wanted to talk about Aizawa-sensei?" You asked strait to the point. He didn't seem all that thrown off by your straightforward statement and said "I umm wanted to ask you If you would tell me about your quirk?" you were a little confused. it's not that you minded telling him about your quirk you just didn't understand why he was so interested . Seeing your confused expression he sighed quietly and muttered something so softly you couldn't hear him and then he said. "I started this off wrong, how about we start with you telling me your name." your face was still confused so he said. " Look it's just you remind me of someone I knew. A good friend that past away a few years ago. So please would you just humor me for a little bit." you felt your heart melt just a little bit more for this man. You knew that if you ever found someone who resembled your father you would want to take some time and talk to them too. so you just smiled and said " ok then my names l/n y/n."

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