chapter four

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(look its some of my art🙃 comment if you like it)

Y/N pov-
You stood in front of the ridiculously large UA door and took a moment to remember how you got there.
After your and aizawa-sensei's discussion he showed up at your house unannounced to talk to your mom.

To say he was not welcome is an understatement but after your mothers initial shock then anger and then eventual tears she allowed him too explain. After that the both of them started chatting away like old highschool buddies.

Once they finally got around to talking about you going to UA your mom wholeheartedly agreed to letting you go. So after that aizawa-sensei talked to principal nezu and he agreed to let you take the test that all the other students had to take. And that you had to beat the score of the person who got 5th place.

So you took the test and actually got the same score as the person in 3rd.  


So back to standing in front of class 1a's door gearing yourself to go inside. While you were standing there someone cleared there throat behind you and you jumped with a little screech.

You turned around to see aizawa-sensei looking at you amused then quickly returning to his signature tired look.
"what are you still doing out here" he said giving you a look.

You giggle nervously and said "enjoying the view" he gave you a look that clearly said don't waste my time. You looked down at the ground while slightly shuffling your feet and whispered "I'm a little nervous. What if they don't like me because i got in differently and say i don't have a right to be here."

aizawa-sensei's face softened a little. He put a hand on your shoulder and said "problem child you have just as much a right to be in there as anybody else. And if anyone tells you differently then i'll kick there buts! ok?" he said while giving you a tired smile. You still weren't very reassured and voiced that. "But what if they don't like my quirk or think i'm weird" aizawa-sensei sighed.

and responded. "i don't think there going to judge you for your quirk or for being weird. i have a student that has tape come from his elbows. And one who can pull purple balls off his head." he said with an exasperated look.

You still weren't reassured. You had never told anyone but you were bullied a lot in all of your past schools. because of well you didn't really know why. You guess they just didn't like you. But it got pretty bad at times.

So bad that you even ended up in the hospital one time. aizawa-sensei could tell you were still hesitant. He sighed again running a tired hand down his face.

"Look, problem child they don't bite. I'm sure they'll love you. now get in there your wasting my nap time." Before you had time to protest he had pulled the door open and pushed you inside.

Following behind you and blocking your way of escape aizawa-sensei turned to the class and yawned. "class this l/n y/n. She will be joining our class as of today. No you may not ask any questions you can do that after class on your lunch break." he said silencing all the kids who already had there hands in the air.

There mouths already open ready to fire questions your way. you were thankful that he at least gave you some time before you had to answer any questions. you gave him a thankful look and asked were your seat was. "You will be sitting next to todoroki shoto." Aizawa-sensei said. "todoroki raise your hand to show y/n where you are."

A boy raised his hand. He had heterochromatic hair and eyes. And a blank expression but for some reason he looked familiar to you.He was also very good looking. You didn't realize you were staring at him until aizawa-sensei nudged you forward.

When you realized you had been staring you flushed the shade of a tomato and looked away. You went over and took your seat next to todoroki-san.
(Before y'all ask this is what there seating looks like in my story it's for plot purposes also bakugou is seated next to midorya also for plot purposes😉 )

 (Before y'all ask this is what there seating looks like in my story it's for plot purposes also bakugou is seated next to midorya also for plot purposes😉 )

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(Alright back to the story)
You felt eyes burning into the side of your face as you sat down. You dared a look at You're new seatmate and caught him staring right at you with a smirk on his face.

You're face if possible became even more red. And you quickly turned away from him hearing him chuckle at you. So for the rest of the class You avoided eye contact with you're new seatmate and tried to pay attention to class. Also trying to ignore all of the curious gazes of you're classmates.

Today was going to be a long day.

(A/N if you are willing I suggest listening to Ehypen's let me in cube song while reading this next part cause that's what i  listened to while writing it😊)

Unknown pov-

You were in his class. You were sitting right there he couldn't stop staring. You looked so cute with you're face all flushed. He couldn't help but want to see more of that face.

He could feel all of his classmates curious gazes on you and could tell it was making you more uncomfortable. He wanted to tell them to stop staring. To tell them that you were his. But he didn't have that right.


But soon he would, you being in his class just made it so much easier. Now he didn't have to start a awkward conversation at you're work. While looking like a creep even though he kinda was one.

Now he could get to know you as his classmate. And if you're coming to study here then that means you're moving into the dorms. So now all he has to do is get the courage to talk to you. But he's sure once he gets past that obstacle nothing will stop him from making you his.

Suddenly you bit you're bottom lip looking like you were thinking hard about something. And he wanted to bite it for you. When you were his he would have to break that habit of yours cause he's not sure he could control himself all the time with you biting your lip like that.

Yeah they had some training to do. And he was gonna enjoy every bit of it.

A/n hehehe so mystery guy is back tho I'm pretty you guys know who it is by now y'all are the way sorry for the super long wait but I'm back! Please comment share and like and until next chapter. Plus Ultra!!!

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