Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Greeted by Phlegm at the door and engulfed in a very tight embrace, the start of the evening was fair I guess.
All the kids were outside in the garden, in their eccentric dress robes, talking and laughing. A lively sight.
I entered The Burrow and saw all the grown-ups except George, who must've been outside(though he could hardly be qualified as a grown-up) seated in the living room. All red-heads and brunettes. My family. Grown older with age. None of them had noticed me entering, probably because I tried to remain in the shadows.
"So Ginny, you're back after all zeez years. I 'ave to say yours dress looks fabuleux!" Fleur complimented, her french accent dripping from each word, but what with living here for all these years, it had a touch of British to it as well.
"Yeah, I'm back. And thanks?" I say, slowly closing the door behind me, and everybody looks up at me, leaving whatever they were doing behind. All eyes were on me, as if I was a potato alien baby on fire. All my brothers, my parents, my sister-in-laws. The sight freaked me out. A lot. After all this time.
"Hello everyone." I squeaked, before exiting the house. I possibly couldn't go back in there. I couldn't face them. I could feel beads sweat at the back of my neck.
They wouldn't accept me. They must've just came here to give me a piece of their minds. And the food. Obviously.
I sat on the dirt makeshift stair in front of the wooden back door, away from everyone. You must be thinking that I'm a coward and that I'm over reacting. Well I'd like to see in the same situation.
I take deep breaths and rest my head in my arms, my arms folded, placed on my knees.
I've had anxiety attacks, but very minor ones. I tend to get over whelmed ever since the war. Reflexes and fear. And bad memories.
I remember, a few ago, i once saw a red head family in Holloway, and I had to go to the balcony for some fresh air. They reminded me too much of my own and I had to forget them. My past was too dark to me memoired.
I just over thought the fact how they wouldn't accept me back and I was partially right.
What I've done might be petty to them but it was a rational decision for me. I was in a state of depression. Anxiety attacks. Anorexia, a side effect of depression. I became Anemic due to the lack of food consumed. And I was the hot topic of the season. I was in the limelight, ridiculed. And that drove me even more crazy.
If I hadn't left I'd end up in St.Mungo's, or probably would've committed suicide. That woud have been rational, eh?
My decision was totally rational. They just don't understand.
I felt a shadow behind me, then someone came down and sat down next to me. I just stared into space ahead, until a feminine voice spoke. A young voice. Sweet but slightly rough.
"Trouble fitting in?"
"Sort of. Just hard to see the people not accepting me." I admitted to her. I didn't even figure out who she was.
"He'll come around, Albus will"
I looked to my right, where she was sitting, the lamplight giving her freckled face a golden glow. Her hair in a waterfall braid, flowing down in visually tamed curls, and her blue eyes looked green, mixed with the yellow light.
An exact replica of Hermione, just with the Weasley traits.
I bite my lip, considering what she had said. She knows him far too well. They used to be inseparable. I wonder if its still the same.
"He's just over whelmed right now. He's arrogant sometimes. But this is a bit too much for him to take in." she elaborates.
"I know that," I respond, "its just that he acts like he hates me."
"He doesn't hate you."
"That's what they all say."
"Well they do say majority is authority."
"Unfortunately, but the majority can be wrong at times." I repel.
I just stare ahead at the grand table set, and all the youngsters fooling around. Teddy so grown up, and Victoire with her Golden locks coming down in a straight fall, both hand in hand. James and Freddy and Louis engrossed in a heated discussion, and the rest just in an animated conversation. Including Al.
They were so happy in this moment, and Al was acting very different. His face relaxed, his brows no more furrowed, and his lips parted in a small smile.
I smiled to myself. I might've been a bit rude to him thay morning, but of course that was just the morning me.
"Rose, I've been looking all over for- Oh Ms. Weasley, nice to finally meet you." And there stood a young blonde man, watery grey eyes, warm unlike his father's, his hair back combed, and he bore expensive robes.
There stood Scorpius Malfoy.
Very unlike the version I had in mind of him. His hair was not messy and wild, like I thought, and his manners weren't dainty as I thought. A true gentleman he seemed.
"Pleasure is all mine." I say, shaking his hand which he had offered me.
He gave me a genuine smile.
"You look very worried," he said, sitting down on the ground, in front of us, not caring if those robes of his got dirty."Let me guess. It's Al isn't it? Oh Merlin. I've tried to make him understand so many times. But he just won't listen. Reckon he just needs time and space. Though I don't mind him crashing over my place every now and then." he reasoned with me, certainly a gesture of comfort and reassurance. And I appreciated his effort, even though its very unconvincing.
I just shook my head and looked at the ground smiling.
He was so nice, but he didn't get me.
We just sat there in silence, taking in the lamplit scene.
"Come on, Rose. Everybody's waiting." he stood up and offered her his hand. She took it and he pulled her up. She looked at me and smiled before walking off into the distance, joining the happy crowd.
Soon she was laughing along with them, frowning at moments, but quickly regaining her happy demeanour,just by cracking a smile.
I could see swirls of red, gold, white, emerald, yellow, and different shades of grey (a/n: psst 50 shades of gray bwahaha, sorry I just had to.) and blue, as they lived in their own world of enjoyment. One I could not have because of the war.
I heard Mum's voice from the opposite side of the house yell about dinner being ready, and I rubbed by hands together, exhaled a gush of hair, pushed my hands down on the stair and stood up. To walk over to 'my not so fortunate destiny'. To the outdoor dining table to be precise.
I took my time walking, taking in each and every little detail around me. Just to make time go by slower. A cluster of fireflies was hovering above the bushes, and grape vines were spiralling from tree barks to the lamp posts.
Soon, I stood exactly 5 feet away from table, and I could smell the delicious aroma of all kinds food, very much enough to make my mouth water. Fairy lights were decorated around the table, where everybody was seated.
"There you are." said Mum, clapping her hands together.
I just stood there awkwardly and I swear I could hear crickets in the background. Harry cleared his throat and indicated the chair next to him, pulling it back a little. I quickly nodded and sat down, avoiding all eye contact.
I didn't look up from my empty plate, but I could still feel many, many eyes trained on my head.
"So everybody! We all know what we're here for today!" Dan chirped, clapping his hands together. I just sat there uncomfortably until James, who was sitting on my left, nudged me and whispered quite loudly,"I think you're supposed to, you know, speak."
"Hello everyone. Nice to see you all here, after all these years." I said very aware of the uncomfortable silence from the clan around me. They haven't forgiven me. Of course they haven't. What were you thinking, Ginny?
Oh, I don't know. Maybe that they would let me off as easily as my parents, kids and ex-husband.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait. I just had a lot on my mind. And I just wanna let you guys know that from now on it'll take me some time to write and update because finals are coming and I have to study against my will. Also because I have a life. *Maybe*
Also, don't be ghost readers. I want you guys to comment and let me know what you think about the story, and maybe drop in some suggestions or predictions.
Any good books that you guys would like to suggest for me to read, and basically change/ruin my social life.
Keep on reading :)
~S {π•π}

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