Chapter 5

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Chapter 5
Today, I was going to visit my childhood home; The Burrow, and my family a.k.a my mother, my father; my brother George, his wife Angelina, and their children Fred and Roxanne, who were visiting.
The Burrow seemed to have gotten very, very empty, without all my siblings living there.
Well that was how I left it.
Bill lived in Shell cottage. Charlie was in Romania, apparently still single. He would still visit from time to time. Percy still worked for the ministry and had recently moved to Leeds with his wife and daughters, where Molly went to some muggle uni called 'The university of Leeds'. George had a house built in Diagon Alley, because it was near the joke shop. His business was bigger than ever. The most famous joke shop known nowadays. Ron and Hermione lived in a house of their own and Rose was completing her Muggle Studies major which was a private one. And Hugo, well he was just crashing at their place for now.
All these details, how do I know? Lily.
She had filled me up one whatever I had missed.
An hour before the designated time to leave I decided to get ready.
I chose a full sleeved floral top, along with light washed skinny jeans, and my feet beard nude sandals. I dressed semi casual/formal because I didn't want mum to think that running of to Holloway for eight years was the worst decision of my life. Which it wasn't. It was a good decision. People just fail to understand.
A few minutes later, Lily knocked and poked her head in through the door, "Do you mind if I do your hair?" It was an odd question, to be honest.
"Sure...?" I said in an unsure tone, raising an eyebrow.
"Is there a catch in this? I'm suspecting there is." I inquired.
She laughed it off,"No there isn't. I just want to past time till Hugo, Frank and Alice come to pick me up. We're going out for lunch," she proceeded towards me, looking pretty in her denim dress and platform heels.
She took hold of my hair and started brushing the knots from it. "Fish-tail's fine?"
She parted them from the middle and began the seemingly complicated process.
"You're going over to Grandma's today?" She asked.
She knew I was. Why ask?
"Ahan." I replied.
"Are you nervous?"
"I don't think so. I don't know. Maybe a little... Wow you just made me nervous!" I mumbled on and on, incoherently.
She just chuckled and apologized softly.
Was I really nervous? I bit my lip, as Lily's eyes scanned attentively over the strands of hair that were being exchanged on either part of my hair.
I didn't see why I should be. Oh wow, I just did! What if she resents me for leaving my family behind. I don't know. She just couldn't. Albus' anger had me weak. I couldn't have anyone else holding grudges against me. Well, it wouldn't be fair if she hated me, after all she was very happy to see Percy come back, even if he humiliated us.
Ugh but I left for eight years. Why did I even agree to come back, it makes me think way too hard. Everything seems so complicated. I let a gush of air from my mouth, a sign of stress.
"Done!" said Lily, her bubbly voice filling my ears, snapping me out of my thoughts.
I climbed off of my bed, and saw in the mirror my red hair braided into a fish tail, finished elegantly with a light pink bow. She was good at this. Fishtails and being nice.
I thanked Lily and kissed her on the cheek, as a little gesture of thanks. She smiled brighter and said goodbye to me after hearing a horn outside.
I waved her off and slung my purse across my shoulder. I climbed down the stairs only to find James passed out on the living room couch, packets of cheetos, cans of coke and and wrappers of candies and chocolate surrounding him. His light snores filled the room and his hair was messy as ever. I went over and tried to smooth them with my fingers, but only failing. He looked so peaceful and child-like. Just like I had left him.
I still remember his first step and first word. He was an adorable and cheeky little kid.
His eyes fluttered opened, and gazed at me like a happy little child. I smiled lovingly at him and this unspoken eye contact between us was filled with all the love you could muster up. He gave me another chance and I was thankful for that.
I kissed his forehead just because it felt right and whispered,"I'm sorry I left. You know I love you."
"Ma, its okay. And I love you too. Everybody wants the best for themselves. Your life wasn't going on that well. And so you left. I understand. Besides, you got a good course of muggle studies over there. Let's think of it that way." he gave me his dazzling smile.
I smiled back at him, he could bring humor into anything. His lame knock knock jokes when he was young were too cute to not laugh at.
Our moment was ruined by Harry barging into the room. "Shall we leave?"
I nodded at him and whispered a love you to James, before giving his hand a quick squeeze and left. The moment could be best described as 'Short & Sweet'. Just the way I like it.
My smile didn't leave my face as we walked off out of the house' premises as it was apparition-proof.
"Yeah Gin?"
He still used my nickname.
"How did you find me?"
"I don't know, it-it was a coincidence."
"Yeah, but what were you doing in Holloway?"
"I dunno, I just wanted some peace of mind after all the stress, so I just apparated to a random coffee shop." Coincidence? I think not. I'm not buying it.
But maybe it was.
"Mhmm..Stress?" I asked looking over at him. He seemed fine right now.
"Ginny I have been worried for the past eight years of my life, for you. I didn't even know if you were alive." He laughed dryly.
That touched me. And I sort of got a guilty feeling. He was worried for me even though we got divorced. Of course I still loved him. But not necessarily as a wife or a lover. We had been through a lot. The marriage, we figured, didn't work out.
"Sorry" I mumbled.
"For what?"
"For keeping you worried."
"Its okay." He said, his green eyes boring into mine. Oh how I loved his eyes.
'His eyes are as green as a fresh pickled toad;...'
I chuckled at the memory.
"What?" he asked defensively as I looked away smiling.
"Nothing, I just remembered the Valentines day poem I sent you in your second year."
"Ohhh." He said, recalling the memory. "That was so embarrassing for me, but I still love it nonetheless. Now, that is. It was the end of my social life back then". He chuckled.
"Social life ha!" I exclaimed, jokingly.
We laughed at the silly memory. Our friendship was still there. And I was thankful for it.
He offered me his hand, and asked, "Ready?"
I took hold of it, it was was a strange feeling, after all those years. His slightly rough hands grazed over my skin. We apparated to our destination. The uneasy feeling of having the air sucked from my lungs overcame me and I tried to think of anything else than the suffocation I was experiencing.
The wind blew into my face, and the wild overgrown grass, tickled my feet. The smell of home filled my nostrils as I looked forward at the large, crooked, unbalanced but very homely house. My childhood home. Memories flooded into my mind, like adrenaline coursing through my veins.
Me stealing my brothers' brooms to try them out for myself. A chubby form of me learning to walk with my Dad. Me and Bill and Charlie playing house, pretending that fire breathing teddies attacked our home. Me playing and chasing Ronald along with Fred and George. Fred. Oh how I missed him. I was closest to him and George. But he had to leave us all too early. I still haven't completely gotten over him. I still cry at night sometimes.
Harry ushered me forward towards towards the door, breaking my thoughts. I could tell he waited for a while, letting the feeling of home sink in, just because he was very thoughtful.
There, just by the door were the wellington boots I used to wear as a child. All the other knick knacks were lying around.
Harry knocked and out came Mum, white streaking her hair, her plump body the same, a few wrinkles lined her face and her eyes were filled with tears.
She engulfed me in a very tight hug, due to which I feared that my breakfast might just be resurrected out of my stomach. But I didn't hesitate to hug her back, just as tight.
"Ginerva, you got us all worried out of our pants! Never again, mark my words, never again should I find you doing anything like that!" She scolded, laughing and crying at the same time.
I nodded vigorously, and we went inside.
The grandfather clock was still there. Lots of other hands added.
"Is Dad home?" I inquired.
"Not yet, dear. Harry love do you need something?" she said, busying herself in the kitchen, while I sat myself at the dining table.
"I think I'll just go and use the restroom." and off he went.
And so did the questions begin.
"Where were you all this time? What did you do? Where did you live? Why did you leave? Do you regret that you left, huh?!-" Mum rambled on and on.
I waited for her outburst to finish, like I had trained myself all those years ago, when I would get into trouble as a child.
"Well are you going to answer me?" She inquired, raising her eyebrow, hands on her hips, her voice raised. She looked angry, or she was trying to, because I saw a look of love, happiness and sadness in her eyes. How could I tell? I am a mother too, you know.
"I went to live in a city next to London called Holloway, and I started doing odd-jobs. Then I bought a small shop and turned it into a café. It still is till now, my way of earning for a living. I live in a decent apartment block which I love. Truly amazing people." I said with a sigh, looking over at her, waiting for her reaction.
Her features relaxed a little. Though I could see a look of doubt on her face, because she knows what my definition of 'truly amazing people' is. Biker dudes. That's what she thinks. What did she think I'd be doing all those years? Be a strip club waitress and live on the streets or in random men's houses?
No Sir-ee! My self esteem level hadn't dropped so low.
"Ginny why did you leave, dear?" Worry washing all over her face, a sad look radiating from her.
I gulped and took a breath.
"I was tired of it all, Mum."
She was listening to me intently, as she set down the pots and pans she was using.
"I was tired of being known as only 'the ex-wife of the boy who lived'. I hated that. And I hated my pathetic life. I'd be in St. Mungo's next to Gilderoy Lockhart if I hadn't left. I was depressed."
She bit her lip, trying to sort out her feelings, whether to be mad or sympathetic.
"And no, I don't regret living there. I loved my life. Sure, I did miss you guys, but that life was the only thing that kept me from going insane. Nobody knew that I was related to The Harry Potter. Hell they didn't know who he was! The people I met there, didn't have their families next to them, but treated me as their own. I still love that place. Yeah, the leaving-the-kids behind decision wasn't so good, but even if I stayed, who else other than Harry would take care of them? Not me, you know what my condition was after every morning newspaper. I couldn't just shake it off, could I? All the hate I was getting for no apparent reason."
She looked like she was sinking it all in, thinking it through.
" I missed you child." She suddenly said. It was all she said before telling me to sit down and began making me some rice and gravy.
'I missed you too, mum." I said, startling her. She just looked over at me and gave me one of her motherly smiles.
After she sat down, I saw that look in her eyes, like she had sensed that something was wrong.
"What's wrong, deary?" Told you she knew it.
"I dunno..."
"Something's wrong.. What happened?"
"Mum." I stated. "I know that somebody probably told you. Don't act oblivious."
She sighed heavily. I wanted to hear it from you. Never mind."
"Mum, he acts like he doesn't even give a damn about me, and treats me like shit. He hates me." I admitted.
"No, he doesn't. He's just upset, that's all"
"Just upset. Oh please. He avoids me at all costs, and me him. Let it go. Never mind about this. Does everybody know... that I'm back?"
"I think so. I was thinking of inviting everybody to a large formal family dinner. You know, sort of a reunion." She offered and I started choking on my rice.
Mum patted my back, trying to get my breathing back to normal.
Meeting these handful of people was bad enough. The whole family? Nuh-uh! You know how huge this whole family is.
"Do we have to?"
"What other way do you you want to meet the rest then, eh?"
"I'll figure out a way... I-"
"Ginerva, the dinner's final!"
"Then why did you even ask me?"
She shrugged. "Simply to let you know." I hate it when she does that.
I scoffed and returned to my broth. Where was Harry? Surely, he wasn't still in the toilet....was he?
As if on cue, he walked in. I got the feeling that he over heard the whole conversation. But I didn't bring it up.
Harry started eating, and we all made small talk, until Dad came in.
The look on his face was priceless, when he saw me. Mixed emotions. So many emotions that it was impossible to name them all.
"Ginny." He let out a gush of air and looked at me with a plain expression and raised his eyebrows. "Come here." he commanded and I stood up to go and hug him. All else was forgotten when I was reunited with my dad. I may have three adult children of my own but I was still his little girl. "Never do that again."
I nodded hesitantly because I wasn't quite quite sure if I really wanted to stay here for the rest of my life. But now really wasn't the time to think about it.
We all sat down near the fireplace, and waited for George and his family to come back from Angelina's parents' place.
We talked about everything and nothing. Dad was very very very fascinated when I told him all about the muggle world. And mum couldn't help but crack a smile breaking the disapproving frowny face when I showed Dad my iPhone. His favourite was definitely Siri.
We heard George's voice from outside and my heart fluttered. Him and Fred were my absolute favourite....I missed Fred a lot. But I'm pretty sure he'd be laughing his ass off when the cinema incident happened.
And in barged a 17 year old 'very smiley' girl.
Her dark skin glowed and her blue eyes shone, her brown curls bobbing up and down.
"Hi Grandma, hi Grandpa! Oh Aunt Ginny! You're already here. Freddy's always bad with schedules! OhMyGod I missed you so much!" she said in just one breath. Talk about bubbly personalities. And then she gave me a hug, right where I was, and I ruffled her hair. We smiled at each other and I found her extremely cute and bubbly. She was the same when she was a baby. Her eyes were small but pretty, shining with every happy thought in the world, and she was very pretty as well.
From the corner of my eye, I saw flaming red hair. I left all and ran up to George to hug him.
He chuckled. "Where did you run off to now, huh? Gave us quite the scare. And an even better one when you returned." he joked, earning a slap on his macular forearm. He just laughed it off. He hugged me for a long time. He was very grown up, and he loved his family
Then I met Freddy, who earned his freckles aka the usual Weasley traits from George, but the rest of his features were a mix of Angelina and George. His hair though were a mix of light brown and red.
Personality wise, he was a sweet boy, and nowhere near like his namesake.
Angelina and I had always been good friends, and she enveloped me in a hug as soon as she got the few bags that George had ever so politely left for her to carry.
I rolled my eyes at his behaviour and we went in for dinner.
Mum had prepared a beautiful feast of Shepherds Pie and jacket potatoes. My favourite.
I breathed in the scent. Ahhhh... Nothing like the smell of food.
We started off and I let the butter and sauces from the jacket potatoes melt in my mouth.
"So Ginny! Where were you all these years? A different time zone, maybe?" George asked and i raised an eyebrow.
"He's obsessed with Muggle TV." Angelina explained, "Personally I blame my Dad for it."
I shook my head."I've been in Holloway. Near London. Had my own café."
"Hmmm impressive." he nodded.
We went back to dinner, occasionally making small talk.
"Aunt Ginny! What were you doing before leaving? You know, career wise." Roxanne asked.
I chuckled at her eagerness.
"I was-"
"She was chaser on the Holyhead Harpies, and then she retired to become a reporter for the sport column in the Prophet.' Freddy explained.
I was amazed that he knew that about me. Wow.
"Oooo that's amazing. You know I was keeper on my house team. I miss those days."
"Roxy darling, everybody misses their days at Hogwarts." Mum said, "Even I do, after all this time."
She nodded and we ate dinner in silence, until it was time to leave.
I said goodbye and offered Harry my hand before apparating back home. Same feelings.
I went home to take a hot bath, letting all my worries drift away. The events of today replayed in my head. James and his beautiful smirk. Lily doing my hair, a small but nevertheless big gesture of love. Meeting Mum, Dad, George, Angelina, Roxanne and Freddy. Jack potatoes.
I hadn't seen Albus all day. I suppose he just went over to Malfoy's place.
And soon I jumped into bed, I fell asleep, heavy, thick fog of dreams and slumber surrounding me.
I was standing outside the burrow and Albus was standing there, silent tears flowing down his cheeks. His form seemed misty and felt like he could blow away with the wind like a dandelion any moment.
"You left us. I missed you but you didn't come back. So I helped Dad and was a good child. I don't want you here. You just remind me of all the agony I went through when you left." His ghostly form spoke to me.
"I'm sorry." My voice sounded rusted and metallic. "I'm sorry for leaving, my child. I'm sorry for all the agony I caused. Be mine again. I love you, my son." The metallic voice of mine spoke trying to convince him.
He nodded still weeping, with an expressionless look on his face and drifted near to me. So easily. He was convinced so easily.
I placed a hand on his misty cheek and drifted off to nowhere with him. Like dandelions. The two of us.
A/N: Sorry for the wait and shitty chapter. I had school(ugh). So I'd like to start off by giving a shout out to Frozen_Potterhead Go check her out and follow her. She's an amazing writer.
This chappie was a fast paced one and I'm sorry for that. I had a lot going on at school, but I might edit it later on.
PS I changed the cover of chapter 4 because I changed James' cast to PJ Liguori because I simply love him. I am totally obsessed with you tubers. Any body else like me? Comment below
Question for today is: When is Hermione Granger's birthday? Shout out to first correct answer. I want more feedback as it is the only thing which encourages me to write further
Vote, comment and follow. I'll follow you back.
Bubyeee my loves
Suggestions for the next chapter?
^^Roxanne and Freddy in the cover^^

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