Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Everybody just nodded weakly, still looking at me, lips pursed.
I could feel my throat tightening, feeling like I would puke any moment.
I gnawed on my bottom lip, waiting for some miracle to happen. I could obliviate them all, but my wand was at home, packed in its box, deep in my trunk. I hadn't used it in years. And I don't really plan on using it.
"Ginny. Why. Did. You. Leave? That's all we want to know." Percy inquired, a pleading look in his eyes.
I took a deep breathe and was about to start, when Al interrupted. "Excuse me for a moment." He said making his way inside.
I bit the inside of my cheek. He cannot even face the truth and explanation. My son is a coward. And I wonder who he got these genetics from.
And so I started.
"Look. Everyone. Don't pretend like you don't know why I left. You saw my condition, you saw how messed up I was! If I hadn't left off to start a new life, you'd probably had had me disposed off to St.Mungo's. Don't try to say you wouldn't. I was going mad, I knew it on the inside! And if anyone of you thinks that it was-was a selfish decision for me to make, I would very well like to see you all in my shoes!" I exclaimed, slamming my hand on the table, trying to prove my point.
Nobody looked convinced. I am still the wrong-doer.
I closed my eyes and took deep breathes, trying to get rid of the images from more than 8 years ago.
The floor cold, empty liquor bottles scattered on the floor.
My hair a mess, on which I'd pull every few minutes, out of stress.
The bags under my eyes showing the lack of sleep and depression. And worst of all was the sinking feeling deep inside my gut, no less than a dementor's kiss.
I shook my head and got up from the table to wash my face with ice cold water.
This was just too much. They think my situation was petty. Its not. Its not petty.
I can't help a stray tear from running down my cheek. I will not cry over the past. These eight years have been devoted to forgetting it and I am still determined to.
I quickly wipe my face and go and ask Harry about our departure.
"We can leave if you want to. Like right now." Said Harry, a hint of worry in his voice.
I nodded and made my way to the car, not saying any goodbyes.
James, Lily and Harry piled up in the car, and it turns out Al would once again be spending the night at Scorpius' place.
Harry drove off into the night and I just stared out the window looking at the trees passing by, everything around me in a fuzz of rush. Everything going by so quickly, just like my long but short lived life. I had had freedom, yet it was not infinite. I had had happiness, yet it was not infinite. My life is not infinite. Not vast enough for me to start over again, making up for my mistakes, to the people around me.
As soon as the car stopped I got out and rushed into my bedroom. I shut the door and locked it sliding down it utterly stressed.
I shook my head of all thoughts and went to bed. Hoping for a dreamless sleep. But Alas! Who was I to not have her hopes let's down.
After all this time, the nightmares had constantly found their way back to me, so that I don't stay peaceful, even in my sleep.
The night went on as usual, me tossing and turning in my bed, the fan groaning above my head.
Breakfast was normal. Almost. Before until I had spotted the front page of the Daily Prophet.

The former Holyhead Harpies Chaser was yesterday spotted at the Weasley's family dinner last night.
That fiery red head had been missing for about eight years now, phew! But somebody decided to come back into the arms of her infamous ex-husband. Surely her old life didn't satisfy her enough, and just like before, she came to Mr.Potter for her own good. Since her own family couldn't provide sufficiently for her back in the day. But the Weasley's are known to be pretty well off these days, so what could be the reason for her mysterious return?
Did she finally realise that her good for nothing life would be better with the boy who lived? (Personally, I think Mr. Potter looked lovely with Miss. Chang)
Or does she plan a muggle agenda, that would expose the wizarding community? Keep your eyes open folks. This lady (who is now supporting quite some wrinkles, now no more that young and radiant) is danger.
Rita Skeeter.
A/N: I'm so sorry for the long wait and short chapter, but this is all I could give you guys for now. I've got exams coming up and I've been spending quite a lot of time studying (surprisingly).
I'll promise you guys mire frequent updatesand long/eventful chapters when i get free. And I'll try to update as much as possible these days (though I highly doubt it.)
Also guys, the lack of comments and votes is off-putting and I sometimes think if I should stop. Please comment about what you think of the story, or make predictions, or just react! These little things seriously make my day.
Bye ^_^

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