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A/n: This was a request by mgmendez2305, I hope you enjoyed it!


Today, you were having a sleepover. Not just any sleepover, this was an all-night sleepover, where you could stay up for as long as you wanted! Not only that, though, your best friend (and maybe crush), Leo was coming over! You had to make sure everything was perfect for tonight or you might just die from embarrassment. You huffed as you made it to your apartment door with bags filled to the brim with snacks that you'd be eating tonight.

Most of them came from the Dollar Store, but you threw in a couple of Lunchables from Walmart; you're not that cheap. You unlocked your door after a bit of struggling and made your way inside. Now all you needed to do was clean your house. You placed your bags on the dining room table and looked around your living room. Did you really need to clean this? I mean Leo was only going to be in your room anyways... Maybe you'd clean it just in case. You made your way to the bathroom to get your cleaning supplies and got started.

Now, don't get me wrong, most of the time cleaning is very therapeutic for you, but sometimes all it does is leave you with your loud and depressing thoughts. To block out these negative thoughts, you got some headphones and blasted your music. This way, you wouldn't have to think negatively, and you would get your cleaning done a lot faster. You looked at the clock, 4:30 in the afternoon. Your sleepover was scheduled to begin at 8:00 so you had time.

By the time you were done cleaning everything, it was 7:45 and you were exhausted. You put away your cleaning supplies and collapsed on the couch. Just then, Leo came busting through the window, "N/N!" he picked you up off of the couch and gave you a tight hug. "Leo...Leo, I can't breathe!" you pat his back signaling him to let go of you. He dropped you on the couch and rubbed the back of his neck nervously, "Sorry, N/N! I was just sooo excited! I mean a sleepover with one of the most amazing people in the world!" 

Your eyes widened and you blushed. Did he just call you the most amazing person in the world?! "I mean, you must be pretty happy since your going to be spending the rest of the day with me," he chuckled. You gasped and hit him on the arm, low-key feeling offended. He was talking about himself, not you. "Whatever, Leo. I bought some snacks," you gestured to the bags that you had bought in earlier and Leo gasped. "For me?!" "No. For me as well." Leo rolled his eyes. "What do you want to do? You came like 15 minutes early."

"Let's watch a movie!" he yanked you into your room and immediately began looking for your remote. "Do you have Disney+? I wanna watch Hamilton!" 

And just like that, you guys were halfway to midnight not watching Hamilton, but instead watching random analog horrors that you guys found on YouTube. Leo had insisted he wasn't scared, but judging by the way he clung to you for dear life, he was terrified. You laughed at the T.V as the man opened the door. "What is funny about this?!" Leo cried. "It's funny because that is so stupid! Why would you open the door?!" you answered between laughs. You eventually stopped laughing and wiped tear from your eye, "Why Leo? I thought you weren't scared?" you looked at him with one of your eyebrows cocked. "I-I'm not! I just find the uh.... situation not that funny!" he stuttered.

"Mhm, sure. I'm gonna go to bed now, Leo." you yawned and snuggled into the covers, slowly drifting off to sleep. Leo looked at you for a second. You looked so peaceful as you slept. He almost wanted to snuggle up with you. But, he knew he wouldn't be able to sleep, those videos were terrifying! He stared at you for a little bit more before turning back to the T.V. And so, Leo stayed up for a whole hour more watching cat videos. He was feeling a lot less scared now. He stuffed another handful of Doritos into his mouth. This was the life. He suddenly froze as he heard shuffling coming from behind him.

He snapped his head towards the direction of the sound and instantly relaxed when he realized it was just you. You were sweating and mumbling incoherent words. Wait that's not good-. Leo knew that you were having a nightmare, he'd helped his brother with them a lot. He was pretty calm about the whole thing.

 Slowly, he picked you up and leaned your body against his plastron. He began to pat your head and rub your back, "It's ok N/N, I'm here." he whispered quietly into your ear. When that didn't work he continued, "Don't worry, I'm here N/N. I love you, I'm here for you. It'll all be ok." he kind of let that one slip out, but it didn't matter. You were asleep, so it was fine. Once he finally felt you stop thrashing around, he gave you a kiss on your head and began to lay you back down. "Leo?" he jumped at the sudden voice. 

"Oh! Heyyyyy N/N..." he chuckled awkwardly. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, "Leo, what did you say?" "Say what?" he asked, playing innocent. "About you loving me?" you said a bit quieter this time. "I DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" he said quickly. His face was beet red, and you could see it. That gave you all of the hints you needed. You leaned over to him and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, "I love you too, Leo. Thanks for helping me with my nightmare."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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