𝘕𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳 𝘌𝘹𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦

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You let out a shaky exhale as you walked through the crowd of strangers, trying to get to the comic store. All you needed was the copy 'Jupiter Jim's Last Trip to the Moon pt.67'. It was a lot harder than it sounded though. When you finally managed to squeeze your way through the bustling crowd of New York and into the store, the cashier's head snapped towards you. They had on just about the biggest smile you'd ever seen.

"Hello and welcome to Vintage Comics! How may I help you?" the man asked.

"H-hello! I just need J-Jupiter Jim's Last Trip to the Moon p-part 67."

The sentence came out squeakier than you wanted, which made you blush in embarrassment. The cashier didn't seem to notice and pointed in the opposite direction. You nodded and walked off. It took you a while, but you finally found it. There, in front of your very eyes, was the last comic in the "Last Trip to the Moon" saga. You reached your hand out towards the comic slowly, afraid of what could happen to it if you grabbed it too harshly. Just when you were inches away from the delicate comic, someone's hand snatched it up. You jumped back a bit from the sudden motion and looked in the direction the hand came from.

A rather tall guy was holding the comic and staring at it with glee. You frowned. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't just take it from him! I mean, look at his face! Your posture deflated and you mumbled a small, "You can have it." under your breath before beginning to walk away. The guy looked up from the comic and down at your sad little hunched-over figure. He squinted a bit before his eyes widened. 

"Hey, aren't you the lady I bumped into the other day?" he asked. You stiffened a bit and turned around before pointing at yourself in confusion. "Yeah, I remember you!"  He looked at the comic he was holding and then back at you.

"I'm sorry did you want this?" he chuckled a bit and scratched his cheek. "I tend to get really excited when it comes to Jupiter Jim, here you go."

You smiled and shook your head, "I'll be fine, b-besides you seemed really h-happy when you saw it." The guy seemed a bit surprised by your response. He laughed a bit and gave a warm smile. 

"Here, how about I give you my number, and that way we could read it together?" Now it was your turn to be surprised. "T-Together?" you stuttered. The man only nodded.

He was a bit confused by your hesitance until he realized how weird it was to text someone who you didn't even know. "Oh! Right, my name is Leo by the way." You still didn't say anything and continued staring at the piece of paper in his hand. 

"Y/n." you finally said, trying to hide your blush as you accepted the piece of paper from him.


Raph just couldn't live knowing that someone knew that he was a mutant and knowing that it was you only made it worse! So, one day, without warning, he left the lair in search of you. Raph searched the alleyway where he found you and all the stores nearby. Nothing. He searched parks and subways. Nothing. He searched public pools and parking garages. Nothing. 

By this point, he was starting to get desperate. What if you'd already told someone?! He couldn't afford to just let you go free without some sort of supervision! Raph sighed. There was only one place where he hadn't looked. Times Square. The most crowded, tourist-filled spot in all of New York. The risk of someone seeing through his disguise (a hoodie and some sunglasses) was a lot greater than the risk of you ratting him out. But even so, he couldn't take those chances.

He pushed his way through the throng of people until he was in the very middle of it all. Yet still, there was no sight of you. He sighed and sat on a nearby bench with his head in his hands. He felt the weight on the other side of the bench shift ever so slightly. He didn't look up, though.

"Excuse me? Are you ok Raph?" a voice from beside him asked.

Raph immediately looked up when he heard his name. He was surprised to see you sitting next to him with a worried look on your face. Raph wasted no time asking for your number, to which you happily agreed. As soon as you typed in the last digit though, he bounced. Again.


It had been a slow day and you were repairing a ripped shirt that a customer needed. You had a needle in your mouth while you were cutting with some scissors. Just then the door opened, startling you and making the needle drop out of your mouth and onto the floor.

"Oh, I'm sorry did I scare you?"

"No, no-"

You looked up and saw the same guy you gave the free clothes to. 'Oh, no does he think I was rude for giving him free clothes?' 'Does he think I'm weird for giving him free clothes?' 'DOES HE THINK I WAS TRYiNg To FrAME HiM FoR MuRDeR?!

"Uhm, excuse me?"

You shook your head and gave him an awkward smile.

"I'm sorry, I just zoned out, what did you need?"

"I would like to return these pants please."

He handed you some acid-washed jeans and you put them in a chair behind you.

"Is that all?"


He said, popping the p. He turned on his heel and quickly walked out of the store.

You shrugged it off and began to check the pants that he returned to you, for any damage. When you got around to checking the pockets you pulled out a crumbled piece of paper.

"Hey, the person from the clothes store. Call me! My name is Donnie btw."

He had rather nice handwriting, but the fact that the letters were squiggly made it seem like he was nervous while writing it. You giggled and saved the number on your phone. 


You hummed along to the song playing in your headphones as you made your way around the skating rink. Roller skating was a way for you to get away from your problems, it was your happy place. Even though it was rare for you to skate without having an accident of some sort, it was still very fun. As you were lost in your thoughts, you failed to notice someone skating directly toward you. It didn't seem like they were paying attention either. Before you two could bump into each other, someone pulled you over to the side making you do a small twirl before you collided with their chest. 

You let out a small noise of astonishment before backing up a bit to see who had pulled you off to the side. In front of you was a person (presumably a male) who was just a bit taller than you. They were wearing a slightly oversized orange hoodie with a fox on it and some black jeans. They also had a black face mask and glasses on. They seemed familiar. Realizing that you were staring you shook your head and cleared your throat. 

"Why'd you pull me to the side like that?" you squinted at them, hoping they'd feel intimidated. They just tilted their head. 

"You were about to crash into someone." They clarified. You stopped squinting at them, slightly embarrassed.

"Oh. Well thank you then..." you trailed off. Their eyes widened when they realized you were asking for their name.

"Mikey! My name's Mikey," they said a bit loudly. You nodded.

"Well Mikey, my name's Y/N. It's nice to meet you." Mikey nodded and grinned at you.

"Hey, why don't I give you my number? Then we can like, I don't know, meet up here and skate!" Mikey suggested. 

Your eyebrows arched in surprise. Your number? Was he flirting with you? Even so, you smiled and agreed. 

"Sure. Go ahead."


1329 words

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