The Impossible Summit of Mount Neverest

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It's Christmas time, the season where families come together and relax while enjoying the holidays and waiting for Santa. Of course, for the Duck/McDuck family, mainly Scrooge there is no such thing as relaxation. Donald, Scrooge, Dewey, Huey, Louie, Webby and Lena are on the Sunchaser which is being piloted by Launchpad wearing their winter gear.

Donald is wearing a dark blue coat with 4 gold buttons, the end of the sleeves and the bottom of the coat are light blue, a dark blue winter trapper's hat with a yellow fluff on top, a light blue scarf, dark blue gloves and black snow boots.

Scrooge is wearing a red coat over a greyish jumpsuit, a black belt wrapped around it, brown gloves, brown snow boots and a brown leather trapper's hat.

Dewey is wearing a blue winters coat, dark blue gloves, black snow boots and a blue winter hat.

Huey is wearing a red winters coat, dark red gloves, black snow boots and a red winters cap with a white fluff on top

Louie is wearing a puffy green snow suit, black snow boots, green gloves and his head is wrapped in a green hood while wearing snow visors.

Webby is wearing a pinkish-purple snow over a pink winters coat, dark purple gloves, pinkish-purple snow boots, a purple hat with white fluff on top, her bow and snow visors.

*Lena is wearing a black winters coat, black gloves, black snow boots and a black winter hat with snow visors.

Launchpad is wearing a heavy green coat, grey snow legging, a black hat and brown snow boots with dark brown tongues.*

Scrooge looks at a picture of a tall mountain in a book. Donald is sat in between Louie and Lena. Louie is in a grumpy mood, Lena plays on her phone, Donald is actually looking relaxed, Dewey looks out the window, Huey is putting on his backpack and Webby leans on the railings.

Scrooge: Mount Neverest! The highest peak in the world! Most prized of the 7 summits! Neverest has claimed the world's finest explorers, it is said to be completely un-climbable, but now that smug stack of stalagmites has to deal with Scrooge McDuck. He closes the book and puts his hands on his hips, excited and determined to conquer the world's most dangerous mountain.

Louie: Okay, so instead of spending Christmas in a billionaire's mansion waiting for Santa Claus-

Donald frantically motions him not to mention that name but Scrooge hears it anyway and gets angry.

Scrooge: That man is not allowed in my home! He knows what he did.

Louie: We're following an old man up mount certain doom here. Huey gets in Louie's face with an excited smile.

Huey: Oh, Mount Neverest is 3 times deadlier than mount certain doom. This just makes Louie feel a little more uneasy. The mountain's summit remains shrouded in mystery. No one's ever seen the top…He reaches into his pocket. Which makes it the perfect place to earn my Junior Woodchuck cartography badge! Louie has an expression of boredom from having to hear about Junior Woodchuck stuff. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a topographical landscape that hasn't already been mapped?

Louie: No.

Huey: He reaches into his bag to present a couple of tools and device. Well…very. I've got a geographical information system, satellite radar detectors, thermal- Scrooge stops him right there.

Scrooge: Bah! You don't need that fancy doo-hickory. All you need are your wits, determination and these. He picks and hands Huey a theodolite tripod. My old surveying tools.

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