The Rise of Magica De Spell Part 2

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The Lunar Eclipse is closing in, covering ¾ of the moon as Magica continues to fail in stealing the emotionally broken Scrooge's Number One Dime. Daisy stands by the table presenting it like an award winning project.

Daisy: Dinner's ready!

Daisy steps aside as Webby is pushing Donald and the boys towards the dining table which is filled with incredibly weird food that is supposed to remind them of Duckburg.

Webby: Come on guys, you're gonna be late to the greatest dinner of all time. She gets on a seat and puts a miniature biscuit version of herself with the miniature versions of the rest of the family. Culinary journey through Duckburg, every bite reminding you how much you love this town you're leaving behind for some dumb reason.

Launchpad comes in carrying a tray of green drinks with Popsicle sticks in them.

Launchpad: Mmm. The family tea, an old family recipe, tastes like the loving embrace of family.

He drinks his glass and exhales in complete in enjoyment. Daisy can't help but be weirded put by the food she's seeing and bends down to Webby level whispering in her ear.

Daisy: Uh…Webby…is this really supposed to be their farewell dinner? Right now I'm starting to think I should've done the cooking. Webby just responds with her usual go-getter smile.

Webby: Don't be silly, Daisy! Farewell dinners are supposed to be special. And if you're gonna remind the guests how much they love the town they're leaving then you've gotta make the food reminiscent of that town.

Daisy: Daisy is not feeling that reassured as she looks on. I'd say this is more weird than special.

Huey: Huey examines one of the sticks from the glass of juice. Are these melted popsicles in cups?

Launchpad: The stir has a riddle on it. Yeah you won't get fancy stuff like this in Cape Suzette.

Beakely: That's probably for the best. They turn in shock to see Beakely coming down with weird looking salad. I heard there was a farewell party. I brought ambrosia salad.

Webby gulps down her drink as she, Daisy and Launchpad realize that they're gonna be busted soon or later.

They manage to get some time alone at the captain's control deck, Daisy and Webby pace in front of Launchpad.

Daisy: This is not good, this not good at all!

Webby: Granny's a master spy, she'll expose our plan! How'd she know about the party?

Launchpad: I don't know. I specifically wrote on her invitation "don't come!"

Daisy: The girl's facepalm at Launchpad for his idiocy before Daisy gives the frustrated look. Launchpad when we're not inviting some we don't send that person an invitation!

Webby: And where is Scrooge!? He was supposed to be here half an hour ago!

Daisy: This is really strange! I told Scrooge about the free food! Even in his miserable state Uncle Scrooge is never one to turn down free food! What could've happened to him!?

Webby: Webby takes a couple of breath, calms down and puts her hands on her hips. Okay, okay. Just…need to stall until he arrives. He's…probably just trying to rehearse what he'll say when he gets here!

They're back in the dining room where Webby holds up her drink.

Webby: A toast! The dictionary defines family as a group of people bound together by commitment and unwavering loyalty. So let's each say one nice thing about a PARTICULAR relative of ours. It's obvious where she's going with this. She clears her throat and looks to the duck boys. Boys!

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