The End of the Shadow War Part 2

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After Magica knocks out the entire family she looms above a broken Donald who she prepares to finish off.

Magica: Say goodbye, Donnie.

She re-summons her sword and takes aim. The tip flares up with energy and she prepares to deliver the final blow.

Scrooge: Donald…lad…no…

Scrooge helplessly reaches out to his nephew and prepares to watch him die until a voice shouts throughout the entire dome.


Magica stops and turns in surprise to see Daisy who has her fists clenched and held up as she gives Magica the death stare with her eyebrows lowered while gritting her teeth furiously. The witch fully turns with a smirk and scoff of overconfidence.

Magica: You again? You must be joking? What can a girlfriend who's lesser than his boyfriend do to stop me?

Daisy looks to said boyfriend who is severely injured. The sight of Donald in near death causes something Daisy has always tried to bottle up to burst out from her heart. Her anger soars up to new levels, her growling becomes louder, her cheeks become redder and her hair is slightly standing out. And then she releases it all in one vehement and loud shout of ferocious anger and she comically swings her right fist before summoning and tossing Royal Sabre.

To Magica's shock it was coming in at lightning speed in the form of purple of energy. She narrowly avoids getting her face impaled but she was visibly shaking in fear. She looked forward but she was so stupefied she could not save herself from the beating she was about to receive.

Daisy charges at her and smacks her fists against her face.

Daisy: That's for destroying my home…!

She drops on her feet and Magica was able to stop her from circling and clasping both her fists to smack them against Magica's stomach which makes her grunt in pain.

Daisy: And for hurting my family…!

Magica tries to whack her while clutching her stomach but Daisy evades by circling behind and reeling back her leg.


She viciously kicks the back of her legs which forces Magica to drop down in pain before Daisy begins ruthlessly slapping her left and right, forcing Magica back and away from Donald. With a shout Daisy delivers a slap so strong the witch is sent landing roughly on her back.

Magica's cheeks were both red and when she opens her eyes she widen them and gasps in horror. Daisy stands on her holding a large treasure chest high above her head and with a deep-voiced furious shout she smashes it into the witch's face. (1)

Scrooge who was in absolute astonishment at Daisy's anger cringes when his treasure chest shatters into pieces of wood and gold buries the witch's face. Daisy is heavily panting and standing on the seemingly unconscious Magica after releasing her anger. As she breathes she aims a happy expression at Scrooge who smiles back at her.

Scrooge: Bless me bagpipes. That was incredible. His happiness turns to a gasps of fear when he sees Magica's arm twitch and move. Lass, look out!

Daisy: Huh!?

It was too late; by the time she looked down Daisy's neck was grabbed and she begins to choke. Magica's face emerges from the gold with only a few more bruises as gets up and holding up Daisy.

Magica: Not bad.

She re-summons her staff and slams it into Daisy's chest and she screams in pain. Energy is blasted out from the orb and Daisy is sent screaming into a pile of money. She angrily recovers and charges at Magica to deliver a couple of punches that the witch dodges by simply leaning her end left and right before grabbing and Daisy's hand and cracking it by bending it back, making Daisy scream in agony. It becomes louder when Daisy is punched in the face.

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