The Ultimate Clash of Mages Part 1

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In the Money Bin's garage laid the unconscious Daisy Duck after the beating she took from her own shadow. Eventually though her eyes finally open up and she's fully awake. She lifts herself up rubbing the back of her head while groaning.

Daisy: What happened to me? Where am I?

She scans her surroundings to see that she's still in Bin's garage. She gasps in realization, remembering that she slipped into unconsciousness because of the beating she took from her own shadow. She becomes she from realizing she's just lost precious time from all the lying around which she could've used to help Donald.

Daisy: What am I doing here!? I shouldn't be sleeping, I have to go and help Donald, right now!

She spots her sword and picks it up, before making her way to the stairwell, hoping she can make it in time to help her boyfriend.

Speaking of her boyfriend, Donald Duck has arrived on the scene. Around him laid Dewey against the pile of gold after being saved by his uncle and now watches in anticipation. Louie, Huey and Webby laid in their same positions completely unconscious and unable to move after Lena's death. Magica stands there with her staff smirking as Donald gives a dangerous look after witnessing what Magica had done to Lena on the camera screen. A fiery blue aura surrounds him, representing the rage he's struggling to keep in his heart.

Donald: To be honest, I really hate fighting Magica. But the only thing I hate even more is you. (1) You seem to delight in seeing other people suffer! His angry expression becomes twitchy. And you treat life like a disposable commodity!

He thinks of all the houses being destroyed by the ravaging shadows as well as McDuck Manor which Magica had recently badly damaged.

Donald: You destroy homes!

He thinks about all the people that are getting scared or attacked by the shadows. Especially, the children who are crying in fear of the shadows looming above them.

Donald: You take the lives of innocent peace loving people!

He thinks of Huey, Louie and Webby lying in their current position injured, unconscious and humiliated.

Donald: You even take the lives of children! And what's worse, you torture before you kill them! You show no mercy!

He thinks of his Uncle trapped in his own Number One Dime.

Donald: And all of this…for your own amusement or personal gain!

The oval shaped jewel Louie gave to Lena lies right near him.

Donald: But what sickens me the most is what you do to your own family. You abused and tormented Lena, your own niece! You forced her to be something she didn't want to be…you held her hostage…you took possession of her and used her to take away my uncle for me…And then you killed her…you didn't show a single shred of mercy or decency! She was nothing but a tool for your own pathetic scheme for vengeance.

Donald dangerously clenches his shaking fist as he glares at the dark mage before him.


Magica: Oh, really. And I suppose the great Mage of Thunder is supposed to magically defeat the Sorceress of the Dark Shadows? Face it Donnie, you were able to defeat me last time because Scroogie and Della were here to back you up. Your uncle has been sealed away and your dear sister is dead. You're all alone. Face it; Duck…without your uncle and sister to back you up you're nothing.

Donald: With or without Scrooge and Della I will defeat you! I'll have you know I'm most powerful mage of this world witch and I'm vastly more powerful than I was 15 years ago.

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