The Rise of Magica De Spell Part 3

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Magica De Spell has succeeded, using Lena's body she was able to take Scrooge's Number One Dime which had her physical body trapped in side at the moment of the lunar eclipse, thus freeing her body and reuniting it with her being. Now she has her staff aimed at Scrooge in point blank range. Scrooge could only stare at his greatest and most dangerous enemy in disgust.

Scrooge: Magica De Spell. You black-hearted wretch of the foulest lineage! Impossible…how!?

Magica: Why don't you ask your housekeeper's granddaughter's new best friend? You have a confusing family structure, you know that?

Lena: Lena walks up next to Scrooge glaring hatefully at her possessor. You got your stupid body back, now leave us alone!

Scrooge: Yes, scram you rapacious ogress!

They recoil when Magica's staff glows and in the blink of an eye she's behind them floating in the air.

Magica: Ohhhh! But I just got here!

Magica unleashes a blast of energy that circles around both of them and forms a cage of energy. Scrooge pulls on the bars in anger growling and glaring hatefully at Magica.

At the same time Beakely makes her move and Launchpad pushes the last of the bounce house in another room before returning to the table. She hands them a plate of real food.

Beakely: Apple short bread pie with a scoop of Sea-salt ice cream. Donald and the boys are delighted to finally have some real food this time. A common farewell desert in certain parts.

Dewey: Finally, some real food!

Beakely: Beakely retracts the desert. Oh, I'm so sorry. This was Scrooge's favourite desert. I don't want to remind you of that horrid man you lost your mother to all those years ago. She turns back. Even if it was an accident that tore him up for 10 years, propelling him into a desperate search attempt that left him broken and nearly bankrupt.

Louie: This catches their attention. Wait, bankrupt, really?

Daisy: Yes, Louie. We tried telling you before. Scrooge was so torn up and guilty over Della's disappearance that he spent billions of gold and dollars to hire of a team of astronauts and send them to space in order to find her.

Donald: Donald gruffly crosses his arms, unable to believe that. And then he called off the search simply because it put a dent in his money bin and made him lose some of his fortune.

Dewey: Yeah. It's as simple as that.

Beakely: Beakely gives an angry shout. You're both WRONG!

Donald and Dewey recoil in fear at the raise in her voice and the stern expression both she and Daisy are giving.

Daisy: That wasn't the case you guys. It's true that the search expenses put a large dent in his bin. He lost so much money that sooner or later Flintheart Glomgold would've become the new Richest Duck in the World.

Beakely: But do you four want to know what he did, he kept going, he kept sending hundreds of more ships to search for Della. He told me that he doesn't care if he's bankrupt or if he becomes the Second Richest Duck in the World or if he becomes a poor man again altogether, he just wanted his niece back… She then looks to Donald with lowered eyebrows. …And he just wants his nephew to be happy again.

Donald: He really said that?

Daisy: Of course he did Donald. Scrooge felt so guilty over building the Spear of Selene and for not heeding your warning. He loved you Donald and he truly wished he had listened to you.

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