A Battle of the Con Artists

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Huey is hiding something from everyone in the mansion. In an attempt to hide his secret he quickly takes Louie's torn hoodie under the guise he's going to sow it. He runs through the hallway but stops when he hears Uncle Scrooge and Beakely speaking together.

Scrooge: I'm telling you, something's off in the mansion!

Huey walks to a corner to poke his head out and see Scrooge and Beakely bent down inspecting a large footprint on the floor. Scrooge is looking mad and Beakely is in shock.

Beakely: What kind of footprint is this!? It's too large to be Launchpad's!

Scrooge: Which is why I'm worried! A footprint as large as this can only mean one thing! There's a Bigfoot afoot in this mansion and I'm going to hunt it down!

Beakely gives her boss a confused look.

Beakely: Mr McDuck. I doubt it's a Bigfoot; they're just a myth. They don't ex- Scrooge eyes Beakely as if she's stupid and her face drops, realizing what she is saying. You know what, you're right. We're living in Duckburg.

Scrooge: Exactly!

Huey gasps in shock and curses himself for his stupidity in not covering his tracks…or rather his friend's tracks and makes a run for it back to his room.

When he opens the door he skids to a halt to see Louie, Dewey, Lena and Webby speaking to each other. The four kids immediately look to him and Huey becomes extremely nervous.

Webby: Hey, Huey!

Huey: Oh! Hey guys! Lena, when did you get here?!

Lena: Mmm…like about 5 minutes ago through your window just to try and scare you only for Webby to spot me.

Louie: Louie has the "I know you're secret" smile on his face. So Hubert, is there anything you'd like to tell us that you've been keeping?

Huey: Huey makes random gestures as he holds Louie's torn hoodie. What!? No! I didn't do anything! Nothing's going on!

He nervously chuckles only for Louie to slyly point a finger upward.

Louie: So this isn't your Bigfoot.

Everyone looks up to see a Sasquatch sitting on the wooden chandelier and waving at them while making a strange primitive but innocent sound. Louie and Lena have their hands on their hips as Dewey and Webby practically squeal with joy and delight.


Webby: OOH-WEEEEEEEEEE! A Bigfoot!

They all look to Huey for an explanation on this.

Lena: Since when did you have a Bigfoot as a pet?

Realizing he's been busted Huey explains himself.

Huey: I can explain.


In the woods Huey is observing a bird through a pair of binoculars.

Huey: I was in the woods bird watching.

He follow it flying until he sees the creature sitting on a log and pointing at his foot in pain.

Huey: Little did I know something was watching me.

The creature has a splinter stuck on its foot and his fingers are too big to remove it. The creature spots Huey in anguish and shows the splinter on his foot while beggingly motioning him to help him. Huey points to himself, asking if he's talking to him and the Bigfoot nods. Huey compassionately approaches him.

Ducktales Season 1 RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now