Brownie Babies

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M: I hate you sometimes, do you know that? You're so stubborn and you never listen to anyone but yourself.

E: yea, well I hate you sometimes too, you think you know what's best for everyone, and news flash you don't. 

M: oh and you do, miss I think I'm perfect and nothing is wrong with me.

E: because nothing is wrong with me, now drop it already. 

M: I most certainly will not drop it, Emily, you should be listening to me and getting your head out of your ass.

E: Excuse Me! my head out of my ass, well if its, not the kettle calling the pot black.

Intruding Rossi, Garcia, And JJ 

Hey, what is going on with you too?

JJ: What are you two yelling at each other about?

E: Morgan thinks he knows everything?

M: that is not what I said, all I said was is you've been sick for close to a month now and you should stay back home for the next case and get checked by a doctor. and you want to chew my head off. 

E: no, you keep insisting I don't know my body and that I'm incapable of looking out for myself. 

M: ugh! not what I said. 

DR: Derek, may I have a word? 

M: yea, sure

DR: okay as you know I've been married three times now and I know women and that situation is an easy one to get out of my friend. 

M: How Rossi? she is so stubborn.

DR: Morgan, lesson number one in any marriage the woman is always right even when she is wrong. and trust me when they are wrong they know and they will come to you to apologize but you never argue back that is the recipe for a happy marriage and a happy life and guess what happy life equals a very happy wife. and lesson number two Emily is stubborn but she knows her body when she feels it's time to get checked she will go, you have to trust that; alright.

M: yea, thanks, Rossi.

JJ and Penelope Talking with Emily

JJ: so this big blowup is because your loving caring husband wants you to get a check-up because you've been sick and you're too stubborn to admit that you should probably get checked.  

P: yea, Emily sounds like to be Derek is right in this case. 

E: look, I know he's right, I'm just terrified of what the outcome will be.

JJ: Emily, you can be scared but it's something you still have to do, and the same way you tell this to me and P you could just tell Derek; he's your husband and he loves you he'd be there for you. 

D: yea, that right I would stick with you through anything cause you're my baby and I love you. 

JJ & P: talk to your husband. 

E: thanks girls

JJ & P: anytime 

M: so now that the yelling is over, why couldn't you just tell me you are afraid to go to the doctor?

E: because I wanna show you that I can be fearless that I'm not so afraid of everything since Doyle or since being back. I don't want to go to the doctors because I'm always afraid that they will say my wounds from Doyle will never heal or that there is permanent damage we didn't know about. 

M: Emily you can talk to me about these things. I'm your husband I made a vow that I intend to always keep for better or worse sickness and health till death do us part.

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