Chapter 11 - Absence doth make the heart grow fonder

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Their exams had just ended and summer vacation was starting in two days. Weiwei had to go back to Wuhan for a couple of weeks to offer her yearly prayers for her parents and grandparents. Auntie Lin had wanted to go with her, but their excavation project was taking longer than expected. Nai offered to go, but Weiwei thought it was too early in their relationship for that. Besides, she knew that Nai was busy preparing a pitch for new potential investors after the debacle at Zhao.

It was a warm friday morning, Nai wanted to show Weiwei their office , Zhi Yi games in the hopes that she would join them. She and Nai took a leisurely ride on their respective bikes to the new Zhi Yi office. He opened the doors with a flourish and said, " Ta-da, here we are."

Weiwei walked around the 2000 sq foot loft like space. It was light, airy and open. " It's beautiful, light and airy. All you need are some plants and this place will be perfect for an office."

Nai smiled, " I'll take your word for it. Come, let me show you my office" and dragged her to his office.Weiwei smiled, " It is very you. Minimal, organized and effective. He sat in his chair and she sat on his table with her feet dangling".  He gazed deeply into her eyes and she in his.

Breaking the intensity, Weiwei asked" So, when is your pitch meeting coming up?"

Nai, " It will start in two weeks. I have a bunch of investors I want to meet. Hopefully we'll get more than one term sheet after hearing about the company. We want to start off building a couple of games to raise capital but want to pivot to other areas after that", he said looking into her eyes. He wanted to kiss her badly but he also wanted her to see that he had a plan for a real future.

Weiwei unconsciously licked her lips, " Sounds like you have everything figured out" and bit her lips.

Nai responded, " I do now, that I have found my yang in you furen". He leaned in and kissed her on her lips. What started out as a simple peck, quickly escalated into a full blown make out session that scrambled both their minds. Weiwei was in Nai's lap on the chair, straddling him and kissing him . Nai's one hand was on her bum holding her up and the other behind her neck as his tongue was doing the tango with hers.

Weiwei pulled back first breathing deeply, her skin delectably flushed," Wait...stop. Stop. This is moving too fast. ". Nai immediately stopped kissing her but kept her on his lap desperately trying to calm himself taking deep breaths. " You're right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.It is the first time for me love, I have never felt ...desire like this.I lose control when I'm around you Weiwei, but that's no excuse" he said, bowing his head .

Weiwei cupped his cheek and lifted his head so she could look into his eyes, " It's not your fault. I tend to lose control around you as well. I have never had such strong feelings in my life. I don't know how, but I feel like I'm home when I'm around you." Realizing the mood had gotten intense, she said," It does take two to play tonsil tango." She giggled as she stood up from his lap, and continued " it doesn't feel like your first time dashen. You sure know how to get a girl going, oof!"

Nai laughed, " That is nothing compared to  the effect you have on me. Come on we need to get out of this office. I have the perfect idea, let's play a game." He got up and lead her to back into the main office area where several workstations were located. They sat from across each other, Nai facing the door and Weiwei facing Nai. They logged into dreams of Jianghu. Nai said, " A little wager my love. If I win, you wait to go to Wuhan till we can go together". Weiwei," You're on. If I win, you let me go on my own no questions asked. Deal?"

Nai said, " Deal". They were engrossed in a fierce PK battle - swordswoman against the guzeng wizard when Nai's brothers walked in. They tried to be quiet to catch the two love birds when they saw the two bikes outside.  What they found instead, was Nai and Weiwei fiercely concentrating as they battled and it was an epic PK. They knew Weiwei was good, but they were just realizing how good. Nai and Weiwei were almost evenly matched. They saw Nai hesitate for split second that gave Weiwei the edge to win. She yelled, " I win. I'm going to Wuhan tomorrow" and raised her arms like a heavyweight champion.

Unaware of the audience, Nai yelled without looking up from his screen ," You cheated! That was a dirty trick you pulled woman. I didn't lose the bet. I demand a rematch"

Weiwei laughed melodiously and by now both had realized that they had an audience.

Hao Mei, " How did sansao cheat Nai? Tell us" he teased.

Houzi, " Yes Oh! undefeated lord, tell us. It seems you waited a second to make a decision and she took advantage of it. Unless we missed something"

Weiwei was giggling. Nai couldn't believe what a bold move Weiwei had pulled on him. As he was about to attack her, she had dragged her foot delicately stoking his thigh breaking his concentration. She arched an eyebrow as they all looked at him, he mumbled," You vixen" in her ears and just exhaled accepting the loss. This woman would keep him on his toes. His brothers teased them some more and tried to get Weiwei to tell them her secret. She had serenely smiled and said, " A warrior doesn't divulge all her tricks. Besides, someone's got to protect my boyfriend." To which the brothers had laughed and Banshan replied, " Sansao, your boyfriend doesn't need guarding, we need protection from him. With you gone, he will immerse himself in work and wring all of us out till we eat, breathe and sleep code".

On the day Weiwei left for Wuhan, Nai had taken her to the railway station. They had video-called Nai's parents.

Auntie Lin teased them: " Such a good boyfriend you are to her. Not once have you dropped us off or picked us up from anywhere. And you , Ms. Independent, how come you are letting him drive you somewhere? "

Weiwei wasn't sure how to deal with this new demeanor of Auntie Lin, sure she had always been playful but lately she teased her and Nai incessantly. She felt shy yet it warmed her heart that auntie had been so accepting. Nai rolled his eyes, " Ma, I don't know who is worse, you or our friends when it comes to teasing us." Uncle Xiao interjected, " Aiyah, leave them alone. You are like a teenage girl sometimes. I am just happy that Weiwei is letting at least one of us take care of her finally. Safe travels child. Leave us a message as soon as you reach there and come back as soon as you can. I still don't know why you want to spend 2 weeks there."

Weiwei, " I want to donate some things to my mom's school uncle and the prayers aren't till next week uncle. I will be back as soon as possible". Uncle Xiao was always so caring thought Weiwei and Nai it seemed took after his father.

Auntie Lin said teasing her some more, " Come back as soon as possible to YOUR apartment here in Beijing Weiwei. I'm sure Nai will love that". Weiwei didn't catch her tone but Nai heard it and couldn't figure out what his mom was implying. His mother was going overboard with all the teasing, he said, " Ma, Stop! You are making Weiwei uncomfortable. I swear you are worse than her sisters sometimes". Auntie Lin just laughed and said, " You just wait my son."  They all wished her well and Weiwei left for Wuhan.

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