Chapter 1

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The local streets never seemed safe after the bodies were found at the castle. More turned up in the streets, with the nearby walls covered in insults written in blood. The assassin had many names, most civilians calling them "The Jest" Only those who new the identity of the killer really understood her dangerous nature.

She hid in the intricate sewer systems under the city, always finding somewhere to evade humans. Famed, Lilith Marvelle, slipped away from city workers and never got lost. Her raven black hair and equally black dress blended in easily in the dark environment, her pale face the only give away of her presence.

She often skipped through the tunnels humming tunes to herself and spinning knifes through her fingers. "Ay there's someone down here Philip" A gruff voice rang through the tunnel. A bright light shone towards Lilith, "Ello'?" Another voice asked.

Two figures suddenly appeared in the tunnel way, "Hey there's a lady!" One shouted. Lilith froze a fake concerned expression on her face, "Hello? Can you help me?" She hid the knife behind her back, "I dunno' what happened. I'm lost" She fake sobbed.

The figures looked at one another and stepped further closer to Lilith, "Uhh ma'am we can help. What's ya name?" the one on the left asked, "Maria Mormather" she whispered. The right man nodded and stepped forward, "Philip Rose" he said with pride. The man beside him snickered, "Don't worry about him. He thinks he's a lady man. I'm Brandon Orma"

Philip sighed, "So where you trying to go?" Lilith mentally panicked, "Oh... ummm... The Central Square" she stammered. Brandon whistled in amazement, "Ya miles away! C'mon I'll point you the way" He slung his arm over Lilith's shoulders, "Now be careful young lady, there's a murderer round here" Philip warned. Lilith pretended to look shocked as Brandon led her towards  Central Square.

"So what murderer? I'm not from around here" She quickly added, Of course everyone knows who I bloody am! She scolded herself, "Oh this assassin from the palace escaped. They all call him The Jest" Lilith giggled, "Doesn't sound dangerous, but how do they know if it's a guy?" She asked, actually intrigued, "Dunno, just street gossip I guess"

Lilith shrugged, "But it could be a woman?" Philip snorted, "Yeah, just about as possible as you being The Jest" Lilith giggled, pulling out her knife, "Verrry possssible" She purred. Brandon screamed, while Philip tried to pry him away from Lilith. She only held tighter as she held the knife to his throat.

Philip stood wide eyed as Lilith slowly pressed the knife, drawing little beads of blood, "Please, what do you want?!" Philip shouted, "Nothing. Well not exactly, I want satisfaction" Lilith giggled, mercilessly slitting Brandon's throat.

Philip let out a cry and rushed to his dead friend. He checked his pulse frantically trying to find it, "It's no use pretty boy, he's dead" Lilith grabbed the back of his shirt collar. She wrenched his head up to look at her, "I would kill you but..." She paused, "You seem smarter than them all"

Philip squirmed as Lilith drew the knife to his arm, "I have a message for you to send. Give them my identity I don't care" She giggled. Carefully, she carved into his arm, drawing a terrified scream from him.

Slowly she wrote the words, The jest will plan and scheme but the real joke is the throne she sits on. "Go on now pretty boy" She gave him a little shove and skipped away, whistling the same off tune.

"Someone will come and kill you bitch. I hope I'll be there" Philip hissed. Lilith simply blew him a kiss and skipped along faster.

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