Chapter 6

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Two weeks after, Lilith trudged back to the palace yet again. First Maria got away, now Lisa has seemingly disappeared off the face of the earth! The Queen sat at her throne placed at the back of her room. She looked plainly uninterested in the reports a servant was giving and she angrily dismissed another one giving her grapes.

Lilith cleared her throat, only bobbing briefly as a curtsy. The Queen's head shot up and the servants backed away, scared that Lilith's actions would anger the Queen, "Oh it's you Marvelle. What are you sulking about now?"

I could slap her into a different orbit. Maybe I should. Lilith clenched her fists and tried to re gain her annoyingly happy and calm composure, "Both my targets have suddenly gone missing and you know how much that saddens me" she chirped, smiling.

The Queen grimaced, obviously sick of Lilith, "Time. Patience. Controlling that mood of yours" She sighed in exasperation. Lilith pouted and turned to walk away, "Wait. A little birdie did mention something about Maria being a bodyguard for Sir Levi Meràsi"

Lilith felt rage and excitement creep in as she thanked the Queen and exited her room. She pushed through the crowd, a maniacal smile plastered over her beautiful features. People jumped out of her way, scared to tread on her long, silky black dress.

She skipped to the library area within the palace, determined to find one book: The Near  Completed Book Of Upper Nobility. Levi was definitely in there. It was essentially a long list  of nobles and their addressees, made by assassins for assassins.

It was constantly being updated. When someone died or was born, they were added or taken off. Lilith searched the old shelves, looking for the striking red book, the cover peeling off in flakes. It caught her eye atop a reading desk, they page flipped to 876. She shrugged, reading through the names only to find Maria's was underlined.

Someone wants my girl dead. Lilith frowned and turned the old pages until she came across Levi's name neatly written with an address next to it. She grinned and strode out of the library.

She ran down the castle steps and flagged down a taxi, asking the driver to take her to Levi's house. The driver looked sour, holding out her hand, asking for payment. Lilith rummaged in her pockets, Shit, I know I don't have cash!

Suddenly she felt lumps in her pockets, Thanks Queeny. She smiled, handing the driver fake money copies. The driver nodded and sped off towards Levi's.


I'm standing on the balcony overlooking the castle's horizon. I can feel Jes's arms wrapped around my waist, getting tighter and tighter. I try to squirm out his grip but his grip is like steel.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest and I look down to see a stab wound. Jes laughs, warm, happy, maniacal, murderous.

I cough out blood, memories filling my head, his gentle nature., cinnamon cologne and messy brown hair. I miss him. I try to struggle out of his grip again only for him to whisper, "Nowhere to run Lil"

What's happening? I didn't want to kill him, I couldn't control myself.

Is this his revenge?


"Hello?!" the driver tapped Lilith's shoulder, jolting her awake, "Get out or I'm late" they huffed. She nodded and nearly tumbled out the taxi trying to get out. The car sped off, leaving her sprawled in front of a large house.

Lilith gasped, it was grand yet cosy. There was even a twirling river right next to the house, almost hugging it.

Something was wrong though, where where the cars? No lights were on either. "Oh Levi" she giggled, pulling out a knife, "You will never take Maria from me." She looked down at the fresh tire tracks and followed them further down the long, gravel driveway.

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