Chapter 11

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Lilith woke in an empty, dusty cell, "FUCK YOU MARIA" she screamed. The cell was white and pristine, what she could only assume was a government prison. It's all her fault. She went over what had brought her here.


Levi ran, with Maria in his arms, to the window and jumped out with her. Lilith raced to them, knife in hand as she jumped. She landed with a sickening crunch on her left ankle but only shook off the pain and ran towards them.

"YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME" she giggled as she threw her knife straight towards Maria. It hit her thigh and she went down with a cry. Levi looked positively murderous and ran to Lilith, ready for an attack. She dodged his sloppy attacks, and punched him squarely in the jaw.

Levi dropped to the damp grass, leaving Maria open for attack. Lilith pounced forward, stabbing her leg twelve times. "I. HATE. YOU" she shrieked. She stopped and assessed what she just did, her heart pounding.

"You've had your fun agent Marvelle. But it's time to clean up" someone hissed from behind Lilith. Suddenly, pain shot through her head as the agent hit her over the head with a gun. All went black.


"Speak" someone wrenched Lilith's head up. She must have been dozing, "And if I say no?" Lilith dared. A young girl, about the age of her slapped her, "Say it again and you'll lose a finger" she hissed.

Lilith smiled, a glint in her eyes, "Now you're a cutie aren't you?" the agent rolled her eyes and gently tugged at Lilith's hair, "So are you. Would be a shame if I just lopped it off because you couldn't be bothered with talking"

Lilith went dead white, "So as I was saying.." the agent smiled and nodded for her to continue. She started rambling about assassin lessons, insisting she'll talk as she silently reached for the knife hidden in her shoes, Pity they were too lazy to search everything, "And finally, I got here, it's a nuisance really"

She pulled out the knife and held it to the agent's neck, "So pretty, what's your name?" Lilith purred. The agent spat on the floor, "Isobella. And I'd rather kiss a donkey than hold your hand" Lilith sighed and slit her throat.

She let her fall as she kicked the door down. Sirens sounded and people screamed as Lilith ran, trying to find Maria. What should I do, torture Maria in front of Levi, or Levi in front of Maria? She grinned as she rounded a corner, coming face to face with the pair, Maria with tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Well well! Long time no see!" Lilith spun her knife, every quick movement causing Maria to flinch, "D-don't come near me. You know what you did" Maria tried to sound tough and stubborn even as she trembled like a little puppy.

"Aww but Maria.." Lilith's vision clouded slightly as she thought of Jes, standing alone, afraid of her. She hesitated, her pupils dilating and her hands suddenly shaking, "You reminded me of Jes" she smiled, bearing her pearly white teeth.

She was amazed Levi didn't notice her slowly crumble, "I just want to be friends-"

Memories rushed to Lilith, hitting her like a freight train; Marco laying beside her in an open field, their hands only barely touching. They both giggle quietly as they hear Marlam call desperately for them to do their chores. But he suddenly makes a choked gargle, water spilling out of his mouth until he goes still, eyes blank yet full of terror.

Jes, his icy blue eyes lit up by the morning sun. They're standing in the hall outside of their room watching the other people walk past. He's holding Lilith's hand, looking into her eyes and then.... he's on the ground. stabbed.

Lilith was on the floor, her body shaking, "Please Maria, why can't I be normal?" she dimly registered Maria hugging her and then suddenly her soft voice filled Lilith's ears, "Come with us. Come live as normal teenagers with us"

Lilith looked up, tears welling in her eyes, "Really?" Levi nodded, a small, warm smile on his face.

Normal. She thought, Normal...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2021 ⏰

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