Chapter 10

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They were all silent during the taxi ride, with Maria in the middle. That morning, Lilith had thrown up the remaining breakfast she had in her stomach after seeing Maria and Levi together. The only reaction she got was a cruel smirk from Levi.

Now she looked paler than ever, slightly grey, her eyes framed by dark bags, "She should be in the West Quarters, that's where her bedroom is" Levi said, his face devoid of any emotion. Maria nodded, silently inching closer to him.

As they pulled up at the palace, both her and Lilith got out their assassin passes, "Remember, no mercy" Maria whispered. "IDs NOW" the guard boomed. He nodded and looked at Levi, his brow raised, "Fledgling" Maria announced, looking the guard in the eye. He gulped and let them through.

"What was that?" Levi asked, "You're a new assassin, ready to be trained. It's code" she murmured, keeping her head low. They approached a room, its door labeled as 39a. Lilith walked forward and kicked it down to reveal Lisa, kissing another boy, "Noah.." Levi was red with rage.

"Kill him too" They walked into the room and closed the door behind them, "Levi? Maria?! Long time no see!" Lisa shrieked, "Long time no see bitch" Maria hissed and loaded her gun. Lilith saw rage and fury in her eyes. Shit, I told her not to murder Lisa. She ran ahead, knocked Lisa to the floor and mercilessly shot her in the head twice.

Lilith looked over to see Maria shoot Noah and Levi crying. She stepped away and let Levi kneel next to Lisa's body, watching blankly. She didn't register anything else, not the rush of steps, not Levi screaming at Maria.

All she saw was herself, knelt beside Jes's body. Snap out of it, he's at the bottom of a river remember? "Hey, when we're done screaming, I suggest escaping this way" Lilith opened the door and pointed to a set of stairs just ahead.

Maria looked on the verge of tears, but she collected herself and started walking. Lilith raced down first, eager to leave the scene, only to come face to face with a body. A body that's a young man. A body with mouse brown hair. A body with ice blue eyes. Jespes.

Lilith screamed, her world closing in on just Jes, What.. This isn't possible I shoved him in the river and now he's here and covered in blood how.... Her mind raced as Levi and Maria rushed down the stairs, "Lilith? What wrong-" Lilith held her knife to Levi's throat, her face murderous, "Don't. Say. A. Word."

She knelt down next to Jes, just like Levi did with Lisa, "Hey Jes, it's me Lil" she sobbed, "Long time no see." she shifted the hair from his eyes, his icy, unseeing eyes. Levi came closer, "Who is this" he whispered, concern creeping into his words, "My friend, boyfriend. I murdered him you know?" Lilith got up and twirled her knife, "Do you want to be next Maria?"

Levi tried to block Lilith's path but she simply kicked him to the ground, "You'd look much prettier on the ground, sprawled out and dead" she purred, watching Maria scrambled away only for her to fall.

"Please, stop" she pleaded. Levi got up from behind Lilith and rushed to her, picking her up and running, "YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER" Lilith screamed, racing towards them.

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