Chapter 8

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Lilith hummed the only song she remembered, an off tune melody, as Levi threw rocks at a wall. They still felt awkward after the confrontation. Eventually after trading insults, they came to the agreement that they would work together to do whatever Maria wanted. They vowed it.

Lilith stopped humming as she saw Maria stir out of the corner of her eye, "You're awake" Levi sighed, feeling relieved. The raw emotions in his voice made her feel odd, causing her to frown slightly.

Maria grinned, "I see you're not at each other's throats" Levi chuckled, making her slightly blush, only making Lilith frown more. She tried to look jolly, skipping up to her, "Well now that everyone's conscious, we can keep going. These ruin are stinky" she giggled.

"But Lisa.." Maria started. Levi only shook his head, "She cheated. I only just found out" Lilith frowned even more, Not good. He seems too interested in Maria. She absentmindedly fiddled with her raven black hair. It had grown out and fell in wavy waterfalls down her thin shoulders.

She noticed the longing side glance Levi gave Maria and the shy one Maria gave back, "Watch out, you seem interested but I can't let you have her" she hissed. Levi pretended to look hurt, thinking she was joking, "I do not!" he teased.

Lilith shook her head and joke back. Only Maria caught the flash of emotion in her mossy green eyes, "We need to trek through the forest first" she announced, drawing silence from them both, "Right?"


By the time they found a suitable campsite that didn't show their location, Lilith felt like her head was going to explode. Levi was constantly trying to compete or joke with her and flirt with Maria. At the next train station, I'm tying him to the tracks.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Levi's question nearly knocked her from her make shift log chair. Maria shook her head with a sigh, "Never had time"

Lilith felt like throwing up, her frown increasing and her fists clenched. She's mine... The words raced through her head. Maria's cheery voice slowly trailed off until she looked at her, her own face concerned, "Lilith? You okay-"

Desire took over and Lilith jumped onto Maria, kissing her passionately. Her black hair pooled around them as Levi sat open mouthed. Maria tensed, trying to get out of it only to give up. She relaxed slightly, sending waves of excitement through Lilith.

She wished she never did but, Lilith pulled her head slowly away. She let her hands drag as she sat up, pausing on her stomach, "What did you just do?!" Levi demanded. She felt the weird, cold anger and desire filling her again, "Can't you see I'm sharing a moment with Miss Maria over here?" Lilith forced a giggle.

"You can't do just kiss people randomly, she's not even your girlfriend" he looked ready to murder her. She must have leaned onto Maria's wound because she whimpered, "Please stop, that hurts" Levi snapped, grabbing Lilith by the neck, "She said stop"

She slipped out his grip, desire replaced with confusion and guilt, Why can't I act normal?  He mumbled about sleep and stomped off to his sleeping spot. Maria scrambled up, doing the same, leaving Lilith in the dark, her fingers lightly touching her neck.

"Night" she mumbled, her brain scrambling for an answer to a question she didn't even know yet. I can't be normal I can't be normal. Plagued in her mind as she laid down and slipped into a light, dreamless sleep.


Lilith woke in the night to rustling. She looked over to see two dark shapes, awfully close to each other. Levi wrapped his arms around Maria, as she kissed him lightly on the forehead. She didn't understand, he tried to murder her. And now she's kissing up to him.

She quietly dashed away tears as her breaths came out ragged and uneven, I'm not right, I should be happy she's not with a broken psycho. But all she could think of was Marco and Jes, her two previous, now dead, lovers.

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