Chapter 9

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After waking up to find the jacket she slept on was wet from tears, Lilith kept quiet. She pushed on until the group arrived at a small village, set at the back of the palace instead of the front. They booked in at a motel and unpacked the little amount of things they had.

She looked at the room, taking in every little detail as if it were life of death if she didn't notice. With a start Lilith realised, "There's only two beds" she giggled. Maria swore under her breath as both Levi and Lilith said at the same time, "I'll go with Maria"

Lilith's stare was like daggers as Maria sighed and went to get changed, "Figure it out yourselves" she stalked off to the bathroom. Levi scuffed his foot, obviously trying to think of something to say.

After seconds of silence, he walked to his things and grabbed a deck of cards. Silently, Lilith nodded and sat down on a bed, "You know I'm a master at lock picks and cards" she smirked. Nimble fingers helped Lilith open locks and easily slip a card out of her hand.

Levi scoffed and dealt the cards, "You look like a drunk goose half the time, I don't expect you know what foot to put ahead of the other when walking" Lilith giggled, she knew he was bluffing. Anyone that looked at Lilith knew she had skill and finesse.

They both went silent, playing. She couldn't ignore how relaxed Levi was around her all of a sudden, So I'm human now? she thought ruefully, "Did you know her?" Levi blurted. She nodded, "Academy. She didn't know me too well. She taught defense, taught me how to kill. I remember the first time we spoke, she complimented my knife skills" she chuckled.

Levi raised a brow, "I thought you were natural born maniac" Lilith shrugged, "Where you always a natural born ass?" he burst out laughing, dropping half his deck. She looked over to the bathroom door, an ache in her chest, I thought you were a natural born maniac.

"If I'm naturally a maniac, I'd bit my tongue if I were you" she hissed. Levi paused, his eyes wary, looking over to where Lilith was staring, "Don't you even dare-" he got up and walked to the door, walked in and closed it.

Lilith clenched her fists as she listened to Maria and Levi mess around and kiss, Maybe I wasn't always one but that doesn't mean I'm docile. Lilith tossed her cards and took her things to the other bed.


I know I'm dreaming. I have to be. But feeling Jes kiss me is everything I've wished for. He kisses me softly, only stopping to tell me how much he loves me. But something's wrong. Jes notices my concern and he smiles, "A little taste of something you'll never feel again"

"I know I won't be there to welcome you but, see you in hell bitch" he whispers, plunging a knife into my stomach.


Lilith woke up in a pool of sweat, her heart pumping. She sat, curled in blankets and let her tears overflow. If I was Levi, Maria would notice in a heart beat. "Lilith?" Levi murmured, probably trying not to wake Maria. She looked up and saw him standing awkwardly at the end of her bed.

She tried to laugh, wipe her tears and play it off but Levi only walked closer, "Your crying?" he sounded dumbfounded. Lilith sighed and nodded. He looked shocked, "Why?" he managed after a few seconds.

She got up, stretching her legs over the edge of the bed, "I don't think you understand how oddly traumatizing it is when you kill the two people you ever loved" she whispered, her expression blank, almost like she had zoned out.

Levi hesitated, "I don't. But I think you should lay off the whole Maria obsession" Lilith tensed, Well, what an open invitation. She jumped up and strode over to Maria, "What the hell-" she leaned in and kissed her forehead softly.

Levi wrenched Lilith up, pinning her against the wall, "I was about to feel sorry for you" he hissed, holding a knife to her throat. Lilith smiled and punched him square in the jaw, "Now you go doing that, I might have to kill you!" she giggled, not caring about waking Maria up.

She turned and pinned Levi against the wall and kicked him repeatedly, each one getting more stronger, "She. Doesn't. Like. You. Get that through your head!" Levi growled. Lilith only laughed, "You pathetic excuse for a boyfriend. You fall in love with your bodyguard in two days?! I knew Maria from the Academy"

Lilith brought her knife up to his chin, "See, you care about her, but you haven't been bothered to know her" she let him go and paced towards Maria, "If I were to stab her to death, you'd freak out but lets be real, the damage will be done" Lilith sliced Maria's forehead drawing a plead from maria, "Please stop, it hurts.."

Lilith giggled and walked back to her bed, Wonder how much they'll fear me now. She fell asleep, hearing Maria's terrified sobs.


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